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What constitutional amendment does not allow the government to quarter troops in citizen's homes during peacetime.

What is the third amendment.


What article in the Constitution discusses how to formally amend the constitution?

What is article V.

What constitutional amendment gives people the right to carry a weapon?
What is the second amendment.
What constitutional amendment allows people in the press to say and write what they want without interference from the government?
What is the first amendment.
What constitutional amendment protects people against paying excessive bail?
What is the eighth amendment.
What constitutional amendment protects citizen's Bill of Rights freedoms from being taken away by State governments?
What is the fourteenth amendment.

What level of government can be involved with both the proposal and ratification of a constitutional amendment?

What is the state legislatures.

What constitutional amendment is involved when citizen's homes or automobiles are searched?
What is the fourth amendment.
What amendment process is involved when there is not an actual written change to the constitution?
What is an informal amendment.
What constitutional amendment gives people the right to a grand jury if they are going to be put on trial.
What is the fifth amendment.
What Constitutional Amendment allows the people to have rights that could not be thought of at the time the Bill of Rights was written?
What is the ninth amendment.
What Constitutional amendment gives powers to the states?
What is the tenth amendment.

What constitutional amendment allows people to face their accusers in court?

What is the sixth.

What Constitutional amendment is involved when one citizen is suing another in a civil trial?
What is the seventh amendment.
A new amendment was added to the Constitution as the 28th Amendment. Which amendment process is represented by this change, formal or informal?
What is formal amendment process.

People in the United States have always accepted that the nation would have political parties due to a long tradition and custom of doing so. Even though parties are not in the Constitution, what informal amendment process gives the tradition of parties Constitutional force?

What is informal practices.

The addition of the 11th amendment to the Constitution eliminated the portion of the document that gave the Supreme Court the power to hear cases between states and citizens from other states and countries. The addition of this amendment made the old section of the Constitution _______ in this case.
What is inoperable.
Dan was called to testify in front of a congressional committee about the role his agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, was performing its job of protecting the environment. What informal amendment practice is Dan a part of?
What is legislative oversight.
A constitutional amendment has just been approved by the House of Representatives. Where does it have to be approved next before it can be submitted to the states?
What is the Senate.
The U.S. congress calls for a Constitutional Convention to write a new amendment to the Constitution and then submit it to the states for ratification. Based upon this information, from where did this request for an amendment come?
Where is the states.
The Supreme Court of the United States decides that an Ohio law violates the 2nd and 14th amendments to the Constitution. What informal amendment process did the court use in this situation?
What is judicial review.

Bob was selected by his neighbors in a special election to go and vote on a Constitutional Amendment that had been submitted to the states for consideration by the U.S. congress. Based on this information, what type of event is Bob attending?

What is a ratifying convention.

The country of Canada has a national capital in Ottawa, but several regional capitals in its provinces. Based on having a national and regional capital cities, it can be concluded that Canada has a ___________system of government.
What is a Federal.
The U.S. congress writes a law that allows for the creation of new currency bills under its power to print and coin money. What informal amendment process has the congress just used?
What is informal amendment through enacting legislation.