Key Figures
Scientific Revolution
Discoveries & Inventions
Impact on Society

What was the Reformation?

What is a religious movement in the 16th century that aimed to reform the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church, leading to the establishment of Protestant denominations.


Who was John Calvin and what was his major contribution to the Reformation?

JC was a theologian who contributes the doctrine of predestination and establishes the Calvinist church


Why is geocentricl to heliocentric an important and controversial shift?

This shift was controversial because it challenged the long-held beliefs of the Church and their teachings


Galileo invents this in 1609 to study the heavens


Edward Jenners impact then and how it effects us now

Creates a vaccine for smallpox - we have over 50 vaccines by adulthood


Who is credited with starting the Reformation and why?

What is Martin Luther is credited with starting the Reformation due to his 95 Theses, which criticized the Church's practices, particularly the sale of indulgences. 


Why was Henry the VIII considered a reformer?

He separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Mainly for personal and political reasons: esp to annul his marriage


What’s the Church's problem with Galileo?

The Church’s problem with Galileo was primarily due to his support for the heliocentric model, which contradicted Church teachings and led to his trial and house arrest.


What is the difference between heliocentric and geocentric?

heliocentric - sun center

geocentric - earth center


2 examples of how the Scientific Revolution effects us today

The Scientific Revolution still affects us today by providing the foundation for modern science, encouraging critical thinking, and promoting empirical evidence in various fields.


What is a heretic and why are they problematic?

What is A heretic is a person who holds beliefs or practices that are contrary to the established doctrines of the Church. This creates problems for the church by threatening their authority and the amount of followers they have


How was salvation determined by the 3 main different groups during the Reformation? (Hint: L,C, and C) 

Lutherans: faith alone

Catholics: faith AND good works

Calvinists: Predestination


What does the Scientific Method establish and who comes up with this?

The Scientific Method establishes a systematic way of learning and testing hypotheses through observation and experimentation. It was developed by scientists such as Francis Bacon and René Descartes.


Comes up with the theory of motion and calculus to prove it

Who is...Isaac Newton


2 examples of how the Reformation effects us today

The religion known as Christianity has multiple branches with varying interpretations of the bible. Individualshave access to study their religions by the printing of the faith in vernacular languages


What are indulgences and why are they problematic?

Indulgences were payments made to the Church that promised to reduce punishment for sins, which Luther criticized as corrupt in his 95 thesis. You shouldn't be able to buy your way out of heaven - also makes it where the poor can't do this.

What does Queen Elizabeth do to "keep both sides happy?"

Keep Protestants Happy

  • Priests can marry

  • English sermons not Latin

Keep Catholics Happy

  • Rich robes and attire

  • Sermons became more Catholic-ish 


Why is chemistry established and by whom?

To prove there are smaller elements than earth, wind, fire, water and by Robert Boyle


2 instruments  invented and what they allow for the first time (we learned about 4) 

  • Microscope: see bacteria and red blood cells

  • Mercury barometer - measures atmospheric pressure and predicts weather
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit makes first thermometer to use mercury in glass shows freezing at 32

  • Anders Celsius creates another scale for mercury thermometer shows freezing at 0


Why will the Scientific Reformation shift people away from religion?

Science begins to answer questions that previously could only be explained by the answer of....because God made it so

What book being printed in a vernacular language is important and what impact does this make?

Bible-Having Bibles in the vernacular was important because it allowed ordinary people to read and interpret the scriptures for themselves.


Explain how the anabaptists continue the Reformation movement- what religion is established by the anabaptists?

  • Old enough to be baptized, not at birth 

  • Refused to fight in wars 

  • Separated religion and state

  • Persecuted - survived and essentially lead the Mennonites and Amish 


How does our knowledge of the human body change

Vesalius dissects a human body and publishes a book with detailed drawings of organs, bones, muscle which until now had been based on a middle ages study with animals predominantly comparing humans to pigs


What 3 things does Galileo see in his telescope for the first time and what is the name of the book he publishes these discoveries in?

Dark spots on sun, moon uneven surface, Jupitor has 4 moons 

Starry Messenger


What aspect of life has yet to be challenged that the Scientific Rev paves the way for. This will eventually forever change what


