What is Portugal , Great Britain , France , Spain , the Netherlands
This African Explorer was from Kongo, came with the Portuguese. He became the first free man to arrive in North America
What is Juan Garrido
How many parts did the middle passage have?
what is three
These Africans who arrived to North America first before slavery was institutionalized . They came as explorers or translators
What is Ladinos
This word was removed from the Constitution . Usually referred them to other people or property
What is the term "Slave "
Due to the middle passage ending , colonist result to this method in obtaining new slaves
What is childbirth
African Healer from Morocco, he was a translator and explorer. He was killed when exploring south west North America along with the Spanish army
What is Esteban
What is more expensive , what is barricades and nets and more crew
This lasted over 350 years and it ended in 1808
What is transatlantic Slave trade
This law enabled colonist to deny African kids, take away kids , and made kids who were born into slavery inherit the same status as their parents
What is Partus Sequitur Ventrem
Due to this machine, many Africans were forced to migrate from the northern colonies to the south. What was this called?
What is the second middle passage?
Many of these African Explorers, laid claim to this area first. This area included South Carolina and Georgia
What is La Florida
The Middle Passage or Transatlantic Trade ended during this year
What is 1808
This was created to show the horror of the middle passage . It was usually black and white .
What is Iconography
This was created as a way to show emotions and to tell stories of the grueling experiences african had to go through during the Middle Passage , Auction Block , and plantation
What is Slave Narratives
Free states restricted African Americans from ___
This happened when a ship carrying captives to North America was over taken . What is this ship called .
What is La Amistad
Loss of this term caused for many African societies to lose stability in their communities
This system was a created where African worked from sun up to sundown. Usually they would create a rhythm or song to keep up with the pace of work
What is Gang System
This was created in the slave plantation , very famous instrument and this musical genre was also born in the plantation
What is the Banjo and the Blues
What is Cotton Gin , What is Task System
This important figure was a free man who was kidnapped. He was abducted, but his skills kept him alive for 12 years.
What is Solomon Northup
What is 15%
This meant that if you had any a small percentage of your ancestry was African you were consider to be inferior .
What is one drop rule
This was a hobby that many Africans did during slavery
What is Quilt Making