Who is Benedict and Scholastica
Brother and sister saints
Who made the Gregory chant
ST. Gregory
Three Vows
Poverty, Chastity and Obedience
spread the gospel, bauptized
Advent last how many weeks what are the colors of the candles
four, purple, purple, pink and purple
What are the early councils of the church
bishop meet to clarify catholic church teachings
Who was St. Gregory
Pope, Saint and doctor of the Church
Benedict wrote a rule for the ________lifestyle
Good news
The Annunciation is
The Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will be the mother of God if she agrees.
How many Councils were there
Doctrine is
church teachings
WHo are the catechumens
Unbaptized, wanting to enter the catholic church
Who is a disciple
Followers of Jesus
a prophet who spoke about a child
Heresies are
False teachings of the church
Who gave us the ten commandments
Epiphany means, what do we celebrate
Revelation, Three Kings
God sent Jesus to give us
An advent tradition
o Antiphons
The edict of milan made it legal to
practice our faith
Who makes the church work
Holy Spirit
Consecrate means
Separate yourself
Jesus instructed to his followers to make ____________ of all nations
Christmas starts and ends
25 of December to the Bauptism of Jesus