major international events
What is Mega-events?
a symbol or design used by an organization to identify itself
What is logo?
used to create a project plan
What is Gantt chart?
money left over
What is surplus?
Is essential for the success of any event
What is timekeeping?
an estimate of income and expenditure
What is budget?
a short sentence or phrase linked to an organization
What is motto?
Is known as a plan B
what is a contingency plan?
the amount of money in an account at any one time
What is balance?
Looking after your customers while conducting your event
written notes that record the discussions that took place at a meeting
What is meetings?
the way in which tourism demand fluctuates throughout a year
What is seasonality?
information on making payments, money collections and financial accounts
What is financial details?
a document from a supplier showing details of goods or services with expected costs, usually valid for a specified time period
What is quotation?
Unexpected problems may also occur while running the event
What is problem solving?
a situation in which everyone agrees with an idea or decision
What is consensus?
the fact that some things cannot be touched or held, as they do not have a physical presence
What is intangibility?
Including details of set times and events in all your planning
What is timescales and planning?
a document that requests payment for goods or services provided. It contains the supplier's name and address, VAT (sales tax) registration number if applicable, date of invoice, invoice number, tax point/date, payment terms (for example, to be paid within 28 days) and payment methods
What is invoice?
Prove your event took place
What is evidence of the event?
done for a special or immediate purpose
What is ad hoc?
The fact that some things cannot be stored or sold after a certain time, for example, an airline ticket that can only be used at a certain time and on a certain date
What is perishability?
S.M.A.R.T stands for
What is Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Time-framed.
a document showing a description of, and the quantity of, goods sent, included in the parcel
What is delivery note?
These issues should be highlighted
What is SWOT analysis?