Are you from Mexico?
Yes, I am. / Yes, I am from Mexico.
No, I am not / No, I am not from Mexico.
Do you have a backpack?
Yes, I do./ Yes, I have a backpack
No, I don't. / No, I don't have a backpack
What is your name?
My name is ________.
Are you a new student?
Yes, I am./ Yes, I am a new student.
No, I am not. / No, am not a new student.
Do you have a pen?
Yes, I do./ Yes, I have a pen
No, I don't. / No, I don't have a pen.
Are you a teacher?
Yes, I am./ Yes, I am a new teacher.
No, I am not. / No, I am not a new teacher.
What is your student ID number?
My student ID number is _____
Does your teacher speak French?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't
Where is the office?
It is next to the library.
It is across from the the classroom.
Where is the computer lab?
It is next to the coffee shop.
It is across from the testing room.
Where are you from?
I am from ______
- Ukraine
- Guatemala
- Armenia
- Nicaragua
How do you say hello to your friends?
I kiss my friends.
I bow to my friends.
I shake hands with my friends.
How do you study Enlgish?
I practice with my friends,
I write my vocabulary in my notebook
I use a dictionary app
I watch TV with English subtitles.
Where can I wash my hands?
You can wash your hands in the restroom.
Where can I borrow books?
You can borrow books at the library.
How do you study for your English class?
I do my homework
I practice with my friends.
I listen to the radio