Origins of Colonial Rebellion
Balance of Power
Ideals of the Revolution
Life During the Revoultion
Results of Revolution
This law was passed following English victory in the French & Indian War to prevent conflict between colonists and natives. It set the boundary for expansion at the Appalachian Mountains causing frustration among the colonists.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
This meeting helped the American colonists organize a military in preparation for war with England. It contrasted sharply with an early meeting of colonial leaders which sought to end hostilities between the colonists and England. The result of this meeting was the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
What is the Second Continental Congress?
Written by Thomas Paine this revolutionary pamphlet laid out the straight forward case for declaring independence from England.
What is Common Sense?
These Americans supported the revolutionary cause and demanded separation from England.
Who were the Patriots?
The Revolutionary War came to an end with the signing of this treaty.
What is the Treaty of Paris?
This meeting provided an example of colonial union which would serve as a basis for the joining of states under the Constitution. It was organized by Benjamin Franklin and is popularly associated with the phrase "Join or Die" and an image of a snake divided into 13 sections.
What is the Albany Plan of Union?
Americans were able to use these secret communication channels to pass messages before and after the Declaration of Independence. Started in Boston by Sam Adams these lines of communication helped unify the American rebellion.
What is Committees of Correspondence?
This view held by revolutionaries in America as well as the Radical Whigs in England believed that government should be representative of the people.
What is Republicanism?
These Americans wanted reconciliation with England and sided with the British during the revolutionary struggle.
Who were the Loyalists?
Inspired by America's revolution the French soon overthrew their government and passed this declaration of their own.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
Colonists were frustrated with this system that assumed that the colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country, and that all natural resources found in the New World would be sent back to England.
What is mercantilism?
The advantages held by colonists included familiarity with the territory and use of guerrilla warfare. These advantages were made evident in this first battle of the American Revolution known as the "Shot heard 'round the world"
What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
These groups helped spread revolutionary ideals throughout the Colonies and worked to support American troops during the war. One such group was influential because it represented a major contribution by women to the revolutionary cause.
What is the Sons and Daughters of Liberty.
Americans were pushed toward supporting the revolution as a result of events such as this that led to the death of Crispus Attucks. Although such slaughters were rare, this event was forever made famous by a painting of the same name created by Paul Revere.
What is the Boston Massacre?
Following the conflict's conclusion the British remained frustrated that Americans did not provide this to those colonists who remained loyal to England during the struggle.
What is Reparations?
Colonists used these policies to boycott any British goods in order to protest unfair taxes such as the stamp, sugar, or tea acts.
What are non-importation agreements?
During their winter at Valley Forge, George Washington was able to rally American troops with the support of this group of hired mercenary soldiers. These mercenaries included Baron von Steuben who trained American troops.
Who were the Hessians?
This court case brought the issue of freedom of the press into the revolutionary conversation. It followed the publication of material critical of Virginia governor William Berkeley.
What is the Zenger or John Peter Zenger Trial?
Revolutionary conflict ended with this battle in which British Lord General Cornwallis surrendered to the American forces.
What is the Battle of Yorktown?
Following the Revolutionary War the Americans and British entered this state where the sides are neither at war nor at peace with one another.
What is Armed Neutrality?
This series of laws was passed under the direction of Lord North which punished the colonists after the Boston Tea Party. These laws included the Boston Port Act, the Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act, which further angered the colonists.
What is the Intolerable Acts?
Among the important battles of the American Revolution, this is known as perhaps the most influential because it convinced the French to support the colonial cause.
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
The division between revolutionaries and colonists who wanted to remain loyal was made evident by this proposal to peaceful resolve conflict. It was ultimately rejected by the colonists.
What is the Olive Branch Petition?
American shipping suffered greatly during the Revolution, but these sailors were able to keep trade routes open using methods of piracy.
Who were Privateers?
After their defeat the British signed this agreement with Native Americans to re-negotiate the Proclamation line to correspond to remaining British territories in Canada.
What is the Treaty of Ft. Stanwix?