Due Process
Plea Bargaining
Trial I
Trial II

This type of pre-trial motion involves a motion to move the case to another jurisdiction because of prejudicial pretrial publicity about the case

What is a motion for a change of venue?


This type of plea is the only one that can be involved in the plea bargaining process

What is a guilty plea?


This is the initial remarks made by each party's attorney (or by the defendant, if representing themselves) to the judge or jury at the beginning of a trial

What is an opening statement?


A judge would make this type of ruling if they do not agree with an objection

What is "overruling"?


This is the legal standard of evidence in criminal cases in the United States

What is beyond a reasonable doubt?


This is a group of citizens who are convened to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to indict a defendant and proceed to trial

What is a grand jury?


These are the two most common types of plea bargaining that prosecutor's engage in

What is charge and sentence bargaining?


A judge would issue this type of ruling when they agree with a lawyer's objection

What is "sustain"?


This is the process by which prospective jurors are questioned under oath by the attorneys and the judge to help determine their appropriateness to sit as a juror for a specific trial

What is voir dire?


This type of evidence involves physical, tangible objects that are directly involved in the case or incident in question

What is real evidence?

What are the two primary ways that an individual enters the criminal justice process?

What are complaint and arrest?


This is the phenomenon where defendants who choose to go to trial receive significantly harsher sentences compared to those who accept plea bargains

What is the trial tax?


This type of objection is made when a witness is asked to provide information that they cannot know from their personal experience

What is speculation?


This type of jury selection challenge occurs when an attorney provides a specific reason why a prospective juror should not serve on the jury

What are challenges for cause?


This type of evidence requires the judge or jury to make inferences about what happened at the scene of the crime or judgments about the defendant’s role in the crime

What is indirect evidence?


If you are charged with this type of offense, you would enter a plea (guilt, not guilty, no contest) at a first appearance hearing 

What is a misdemeanor?


A defendant would enter this type of plea when they do not admit guilt but also do not dispute the charges

What is a no contest plea?


During this court actor's closing argument, they attempt to highlight any inconsistencies or gaps in the prosecution's case, reiterate the presumption of innocence, and emphasize that the burden of proof has not been met

What is the defense attorney?


This type of jury selection challenge allows an attorney to reject a prospective juror without stating a reason

What is a peremptory challenge?


The purpose of this type of examination is to challenge the credibility of the witness and the veracity of their testimony, to uncover any inconsistencies, exaggerations, or lies, and to present alternative interpretations of the facts

What is cross examiniation?

Place the following steps of due process in the correct order: Pre-trial motions, sentencing hearing, trial, appeal, first appearance, and arrest

Arrest, first appearance, pre-trial motions, trial, sentencing hearing, appeal


A defendant would enter this type of plea if they maintain their innocence but admit that the prosecution's evidence would likely persuade a judge or jury to find them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

What is an Alford Plea?


These are the three primary components of a prosecutor's opening statement in a trial

What are the facts of a case, what the party intends to prove, and how they plan to do so through evidence and witness testimony


These are the two most common sources for establishing a master jury list

What are voter registration rolls and driver's license/state ID databases?


In this Supreme Court case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that plea bargaining is not only constitutional but commendable

What is Santobello v. New York (1971)?
