What supreme court case ruled that executing individuals for crimes committed as minors is unconstitutional, citing evolving standards of decency and the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment?
Roper v. Simmons
Standard of law that governments must follow an established process for trials and criminal investigations to ensure fair treatment of all accused of a crime
Due Process
Defense where you use a witness to swear that you did not commit that specific crime because they say you somewhere else
What is a serious crime that is punishable by imprisonment or loss of rights?
What is a written law passed by legislative body called?
What supreme court case upheld the use of corporal punishment in public schools, ruling that it did not violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment since it was not considered "punishment" under the Constitution.
Ingraham v. Wright
Standard of law that under the 8th Amendment, laws can not impose unjust punishments for the crimes, they must be appropriate for a crime
Cruel and unusual punishment
Defense where you claim the victim gave you permission for the act to take place
What is a less serious crime that is punishable by short term jail sentences or community service?
What is mala prohibita?
Acts that are prohibited because they are defined as crimes by law
What supreme court case upheld the suspension of a high school student for delivering a lewd speech at a school assembly, affirming that schools can limit student speech that is vulgar or inappropriate?
Bethel School District v. Fraser
Standard of law that as protected under the 4th Amendment, all citizens have the right to expect reasonable personal privacy in their lives
Right to Privacy
Defense that the government provided the means for the crime just to catch you in the act
What is a federal criminal code?
A law that deals with the enforcement of trade deals with other countries.
What is mala in se?
Acts that are crimes because they are inherently evil or harmful to society
What supreme court case ruled that school officials can search a student's belongings with reasonable suspicion, establishing a balance between students' rights and school safety?
New Jersey v. TLO
Standard of law that laws must say what it means and mean what it says to ensure that people know what they can and what they can not do in society
Void of Vagueness
Defense that you used reasonable force to protect oneself or others from an imminent threat or violence
What is the criminal code that deals with things like enforcement of parking laws in a city
Local Criminal Code
What is the model penal code?
Guidelines for US criminal codes that classify and define crimes into categories
Which Supreme Court Case ruled that a city's ordinances banning animal sacrifices targeted the Santería religion and violated the Free Exercise Clause?
Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah
Standard of law that states that laws that go too far in making a certain act illegal cannot, in the process, make other acts that are legal also illegal
Defense where you are provided protection from prosecution due to special protection
What is the criminal code that deals with things like the enforcement of speeding laws on the highways.
State - Wisconsin Criminal Code
The killing of one human being by another is called what?
Which supreme court case upheld that schools have the authority to regulate school-sponsored publications, allowing them to censor content deemed inappropriate, as long as the censorship is related to legitimate pedagogical concern?
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Standard of law that people cannot have their punishment changed for actions that occurred before a law or new punishment was put in place
Ex Post Facto Laws
Defense that you were forced to choose between the lesser of two evils (freezing to death so you broke into a warm house)
What is imperfect defense?
Reduces the severity of the offense/charge, but the defendant is still guilty of a crime
The wrongful taking of someone else's property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its possession is called what?
Which supreme court case ruled that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is applicable to state and local governments through the Fourteenth Amendment, thereby striking down Chicago's handgun ban?
McDonald v. Chicago
Standard of law that you can’t punish an individual for a crime if no law exists to prohibit that action
Principle of Legality
Defense that you committed a crime but not of your own free will or not voluntary
Involuntary Actions or Duress
What is perfect defense?
Completely exonerates the defendant, resulting in an acquittal
The willful and malicious burning of a structure is called what?