The amount of total blood types.
What is 8?
The study of firearms.
What is ballistics?
The shape most commonly associated with fire burn patterns.
What is a "V" shape?
The Drug Classification Act uses this system to categorize drugs based on their potential for abuse and medical value.
What are schedules?
This number of questions must be answered by the forensic investigator when suspected blood stains are found at a crime scene.
What is 3?
Shotguns are examples of these types of guns.
What are long guns?
When beginning their investigation, arson investigators focus on identifying this location.
What is the point of origin of the fire?
This role involves identifying toxins in the body and quantifying them but not speculating why they are present.
What is the role of a toxicologist?
This happens to the diameter of a blood drop as it falls from an increasing height.
What is an increase in size?
The path and flight of a bullet is described by this term.
What is the trajectory?
This term refers to the rapid combination of oxygen with another substance, producing heat and light.
What is combustion?
This is the body’s response to prolonged exposure to alcohol, often leading to damage to this organ.
What is the liver?
This type of blood has both A and B antigens.
What is type AB?
The markings on a bullet that are unique to each weapon are called this.
What are striations?
Burning an unoccupied building, like an empty barn, to claim insurance on the property is known as this degree of arson.
What is 2nd degree?
This type of toxicologist tests for alcohol, drugs, and performance-affecting substances in the body using methods like breath or urine analysis.
What is Human Performance toxicology?
A 90-degree angle of impact usually results in this type of blood drop.
What is a passive?
This is something that CANNOT be determined with ballistics.
What is the DNA of the shooter?
The three requirements must be satisfied to initiate and sustain combustion.
What is heat, oxygen, and fuel?
Drug schedules are based on these three factors.
What is potential for abuse, medical use, and addiciton?