what are special signs given to us by Jesus through which we receive God's grace
what is the sacrament in which we become members of the Church
name ONE of baptisms symbols
water, dove, oil, or a cross
what are the parts of the Mass when we listen and respond to God's Word
Liturgy of the Word
the sacrament in which God is with us, forgiving our sins
penance and reconcilliation
name the confirmation symbol
what is the sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood
the sacrament when a man and woman become husband and wife and promise to be faithful to each other
name ONE penance and reconciliation symbol
keys, the color purple, the sign of the cross, and a raised hand
what are the many traditions, outside of the liturgy, that help us pray and show our love for God
what are sacraments that strengthen people to serve God and the Church through the vocations of Matrimony or Holy Orders
Sacraments at the Service of Communion
name ONE symbol of matrimony
wedding rings, white, or vows
what is the truth that the Risen Jesus--Body, Blood, soul and divinity-- is truly present in the Eucharist
real presence
what is the sacrament in which we are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit
name ONE of the holy orders symbols
laying of the hands or anointing with oil by the bishop