Longest mountain range in the world that passes through seven countries
What is the definition of desertification?
the process by which fertile land becomes desert
deforestation definition
the loss or destruction of forests, permanent removal of woodland
water scarcity definition
A lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.
food desert
low-income neighborhood with limited access to affordable and healthy food
Highest "navigable" lake in the world located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia
What places on Earth are most in danger of desertification?
arid regions like Africa (Sahel region), parts of China, Mongolia, Southwestern US, etc.
the largest and the most diverse rainforest on Earth
Amazon Rainforest
What percentage of the world's water is salt water?
urban area where fresh food options are present, but they are greatly outnumbered by over-processed food sources
food swamp
Driest desert in the world located in Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina
Atacama Desert
Name 2 causes of desertification
Deforestation: the permanent removal of trees that protect the soil/environment
Overgrazing by livestock depleting vegetation cover
Unsustainable farming practices that degrade the soil
Water Scarcity
Climate change
1 reason why the Amazon Rainforest is important?
Decreases the potential causes of global warming
The trees take the Carbon Dioxide out (cools the air) and puts Oxygen into the air (we breathe that)
What percentage of the world's water is frozen fresh water?
don't have enough access to food, whether fresh or processed
food insecurity
Located in Southern South America with lower level mountains, plateaus, and glaciers
Name 2 impacts of desertification
Reduced agricultural productivity leads to food scarcity.
Water sources dry up, causing water scarcity.
People may be forced to migrate to more fertile areas.
Soil erosion increases, leading to loss of fertile topsoil.
Loss of biodiversity as plants and animals lose their habitats.
Increased frequency of dust storms
Why is deforestation occurring in the Amazon Rainforest?
cattle ranching
What is one reason why freshwater is threatened?
Climate Change
Population Growth
Changing consumption patterns
1 consequence of food deserts
Poor diet and nutrition
Increased risk of obesity and related health problems
Limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables
Dependence on fast food and convenience stores
Economic and social isolation
grasslands (in South America) used for cattle grazing and ranching
1 way to prevent desertification
Implementing sustainable farming practices and soil conservation techniques.
EX: crop rotation, Agroforestry, etc.
Planting trees = Reforestation and afforestation efforts.
Better management of freshwater resources.
1 way to fight deforestation
Police using Satellite images to find loggers
Farmers planting trees
Tapping trees for rubber without destruction
the process of removing the salt from saltwater to be able to use it for drinking and farming
Name 1 solution to food deserts
Tax incentives offered for grocery stores built within low-income, low-access areas
Increased funding for public transit
Government-sponsored gardens and urban farming initiatives
Free and reduced lunch: LPS families can apply to get free lunch for their student(s) or "reduced" lunch for a discounted price
Free dinners
Food pantry
Education: At school students can learn more about nutrition, food, culinary skills, help with the community, etc.
Mobile grocery stores and food trucks that bring natural foods
Community-supported agriculture programs/gardens
Vertical farming and hydroponic technology
Grassroots efforts to end urban deserts: community advocacy, organizing, and local food co-ops that make nutritious food more accessible