What was the Page Act
*extra 200: year of page act
Law that banned immigration into the us from chinese women because it was assumed that they were prostitutes
Name of Agreement that banned Japanese Immigration
*extra 200 if you can name the year
Gentlemen's Agreement
Who colonized the Philippines first?
*extra 200: Until what year?
1898 because of the Spanish American War
Name three big empires during the 19th century
french, british, japanese, american
Month of Mr. Puentes' Bday
Name of Law that banned immigration of Chinese
*Extra 200: Year of Act
Chinese Exclusion Act
In 1922, a japanese man wanted to become a citizen. Why was he not allowed even though he spoke english, was a christian, and worked for an american company?
Because he wasn't white
What is one of the native Filipino languages we spoke about?
Who colonized Brazil, Peru, and India
Portugal, Spain, and Britain
Mr. Puentes used to go to Jiu jitsu with which other teacher? Puentes will also visit him in april in Brazil.
Mr. Gomes
Why was the US in need of cheap labor during this time?
Because the US had just freed all enslaved people and wanted to expand west
Name of Immigration Station Japanese would have to go through to get into America
Angel Island
What were some effects of colonialism in the Philippines?
-Language changed
-Education changed to admire US
-Economy changed, they couldnt feed themselves anymore
What is a big difference between Imperialism and Colonialism?
In imperialism countries can control by controlling their leaders, colonialism needs people taking over the land
Mr. Puentes speaks three languages: Spanish, English, and?
What sort of things did Chinese people have to go through at Angel Island? Say three
Spend months there, answer 200-1000 questions, medical examinations
What were the push or pull factors that drove Japanese out of Japan. Name four.
Higher pay, avoid military service,
earthquake, and high price of rice
Which country invaded and controlled the Philippines during WW2?
Name three effects of colonialism
What is the capital of Ecuador?
What is Manifest Destiny?
God Given right to move west
Why did the US not create a law like the Chinese Exclusion Act against the Japanese?
Because Japan was a strong and proud empire and the US did not want to humiliate them.
When the US took over the Philippines, Filipinos fought back. How many years did the war last?
How did the US take control of Hawaii? What year were they made a territory?
In 1898, because the US was in the Spanish American war they needed Hawaii because of its strategic location. Years before, White American capitalists/business men had started taking over the lands to produce sugar and send it to the US tariff-free. The US also took over with coup with the help of US military (marines)
How many stripes are there on the american flag and why?
13, one for each original colony