Golden Ages
Muhammad's Life

What is a golden age?

A golden age is a time of peace and wealth for a civilization.

What is a dynasty?

A dynasty is a family who rules in an area for multiple generations. 


Where was Muhammad born?

Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca.

What do you call someone who follows the religion of Islam?

Someone who follows Islam would be a Muslim.


What city did Muhammad flee to when he left Mecca?

He fled to the city of Medina.


Under which dynasty did the Indian golden age occur?

The Indian golden age was during the Gupta Dynasty.

What were the Ajanta Caves?

They were caves hollowed out of the rock of a cliff. Monks hollowed out huge sections to use as a monastery.


What people group was Muhammad a part of?

Muhammad was a bedouin.

What is the name of the Islamic holy book and what is in it?

The Islamic holy book is called the Koran and it is full of the teachings of Muhammad.


Why were the rich people of Mecca so angry at Muhammad's preaching?

They were rich because of the items that people bought to worship the idols of the city. Muhammad was preaching that only Allah should be worshipped, not idols. 


Other than establishing peace and growing wealth, what else happens during a golden age?

During a golden age, there are advances in technology, science, medicine, math, art, music, literature and more!

Name one similarity and one difference between European monks and Indian monks in the Middle Ages.

Similarities could include: being dedicated to a quiet life of study/service, being men who did not marry, being away from the city in a special building called a monastery.

Differences could include: European monks worshipped God, Indian monks studied the teachings of the Buddha. European monks copied the Bible and other religious texts, Indian monks spent their time creating beautiful artwork. Caves vs. Building.


What were the bedouin people supposed to be like?

The bedouin people were supposed to take care of the poor, the weak, and strangers.

Name 3 things that all Muslims must do. (3 of the 5 pillars)

Faith - profess that Allah is the one, true god and Muhammad is his prophet.

Prayer - pray 5 times a day facing Mecca

Giving - give a portion of your income to the poor

Fasting - fast while the sun is up during the month of Ramadan

Pilgrimage - travel to the holy city of Mecca at least once in their lifetime


How did Abu Bakr make the Koran?

The Koran was made when Abu Bakr commanded all Muslims to bring every scrap that had the words of Muhammad written on them. He wrote them all into a book and burned all of the scraps. 


Explain why a golden age is such a time of growth.

A golden age allows for so much growth because people are not worried about their safety. Being protected by a strong leader and army allows people to focus on other things. This leads to new discoveries and new technologies. 


How did the Gupta Dynasty end?

During the time of Skandagupta, India was attacked by the Huns. While they successfully defended their kingdom, the war had weakened them. Soon pieces of the kingdom began to break off and eventually the empire crumbled. 

Why did Muhammad go to the caves?

Muhammad was grieved by the way his people were taking advantage of the poor and sick. He went to the caves to pray and think of a way to make things better.


Name one similarity between Christianity and Islam

Both believe in only one god, not many idols/gods.

Both believe that their god is the creator of all things and all-powerful.

What is the Hegira and why is it important?
The Hegira is the name for the journey of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It is so important to the Islamic faith that they count their years starting from the Hegira.

Explain how the Islamic golden age occured. Begin with Muhammad's death.

After Muhammad died, there was panic. Abu Bakr was named the first caliph or emperor of the Islamic empire. Despite being a small and weak man, he was a strong leader and led the empire to conquer many of the surrounding areas. The caliphs that followed were strong as well, ushering in a time of lasting peace and wealth (a golden age).


Name the first and last rulers of the Gupta Dynasty.

Chandragupta was the first ruler. 

Skandagupta was the last ruler.


According to Muslim tradition, what happened in the caves to Muhammad?

According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad had a vision in which he was met by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel held up a flaming scroll and told Muhammad to recite the words on it. Essentially, he was telling Muhammad to preach about the one, true god, Allah.


Name one of the three key differences between Christianity and Islam.

Islam does not believe that God exists in three persons. Christianity believes that God exists as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Islam does not believe that Jesus was the son of God or that he died for our sins. 

Islam believes that good works earn your way to heaven. Christians believe that only Christ can pay for our sins and it is through his righteousness that we can be with God in heaven.


After the Islamic empire expanded, what city became their capital?


What city did Muhammad name as the Holy City of Islam? Why did he name this city holy?

The capital of the Islamic empire was the city of Baghdad. 

Muhammad named Mecca the Holy City of Islam because he had his visions there that began his preaching. 
