The divine assistance from the Holy Spirit so that authors could communicate God's saving message in human language.
Divine Inspiration
The first stage of the development of the Bible.
Taking in to account the time, place, and circumstances at the time of the Biblical story in order to help interpret it.
Historical Context
The __________ Testament is about the time of the Israelite people before Jesus.
The Story of God's relationship with us over time.
Salvation History
Coming to know God through God's self Communication
Divine Revelation
The final stage of the development of the Bible
The sense of Scripture that looks for the larger message of what the passage tells us about God.
Spiritual Sense
The first five books of the Old Testament can be referred to either as the ________________ or the ________________.
Pentateuch and Torah
The time before writing.
Natural Revelation
The second stage of the development of the Bible
Oral Tradition
The sense of Scripture that guides us in how to live good lives.
Moral Sense
A greek translation of the Old Testament
The phrase the describes how the Bible is without error.
Biblical Inerrancy
The aspect of Divine Revelation that is the written word of God.
Sacred Scripture
The third stage of the development of the Bible
Written tradition
the Bible has many different __________________ , which must all be interpreted in the appropriate manner in order to discover what they mean.
Literary Forms
A latin translation of the Old and New Testaments, including the Deuterocanonical books.
The Jewish Scriptures and Protestant Bibles do not include this group of books
The aspect of Divine Revelation that is the history of the Church's interpretation of who God is guided by the Holy Spirit
Sacred Tradition
The list of books in the Bible determined by the Church to be the word of God.
The phrase used to describe the process of interpreting the Bible's meaning
Biblical exegesis
The word used to describe the common language for the average person in a given area.