There are 30 children in Ms. Girani's Class. Ms. Loperfito has 20 children in her class. How many children are in both Ms. Girani AND Ms. Loperfito's class?
50 children
Solve the addition problem.
What is 25-10? Show your work.
How many quarters equal $1?
4 Quarters
How many minutes are in 1 hour?
60 Minutes
53 Cherries
Solve the addition problem.
48 + 52 = ______
Andre has 35 trading cards. He gave 18 trading cards to Rian. How many trading cards does Andre have left?
17 trading cards
Ms. Palmer has some change in her pocket. She has 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 8 pennies.
How much money does Ms. Palmer have?
88 cents
Using the teacher's clock... Show 1:00pm.
Sebastian has 14 fewer crayons than Amanda. Amanda has 64 crayons. How many crayons does Sebastian have?
Ellie needs 54 photos. Ellie has 32 photos. How many more photos does Ellie need to get to 54? Show your work.
Find 94-67.
Mrs. Sheehan has $50 in bills. What bills could Mrs. Sheehan possibly have?
2 twenties and 1 ten
10 five dollar bills.
50 one dollar bills.
(accept all correct responses!!)
Rose eats breakfast at 7:30. Show 7:30 on the teacher's clock.
Joey has 38 pennies. Lucy gives him some more pennies. Now Joey has 93 pennies. How many pennies did Lucy give to Joey?
55 Pennies
74+25= ?
85 - ? = 26.
Aviv buys a baseball for 33 cents! He pays with two quarters. He receives exactly 5 coins as change.
____ dimes ____ nickels _____ pennies
0 dimes, 3 nickels, 2 pennies.
(Teacher selects time)
There are 85 people in line for the movie. 38 people go to their seats. Then, 24 more people get on the line. How many people are in line for the movie now?
71 people
Hunter has 64 seashells. He gives 28 of them to Lily. Show 2 strategies to find 64-28
Hunter has 36 seashells now.
Estimate. What is 93-49? Show your work.
About 40.
Ms. Girani has 2 quarters, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies. Mrs. Castaldi has 73 cents. Who has more money? How much more? Show your work.
Mrs. Castaldi has more money. She has 15 more cents than Ms. Girani
Where does the hour hand point on a clock when a clock shows 10:30?
In between the 10 and the 11.