What is propaganda
strategies used to manipulate/influence people's opinions to support a cause or belief
What assassination triggered the war
Arch Duke Ferdinand
What ship Sank due to Unrestricted submarine warfare.
The Lustina
What is the League of Nations?
An organization of nations that work together to settle disputes, protect democracy, and prevent future wars.
what American ship did "Spain" blow up?
USS Maine
What is a Liberty bond?
Lending the government money to help pay for the war. People who invested in bonds received their money back, plus interest once the war concluded.
What country did Germany go through to invade France?
What was Americas position called in the war?
When was the 14 point plan established?
January 8th 1919
What was the peace treaty Cuban and America signed?
Treaty of Paris
What is yellow journalism
An exaggerated style of writing used to catch the viewers eye.
What was the 1st battle called?
Battle of the Marne
What was the name of the person who sent the letter to Mexico?
Arthur Zimmerman
What was the goal of the Treaty of Versailles?
To formally end the war, establish peace, and prevent future conflicts.
what territories did Spain free after the war?
Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico
what is a 4 minute man?
A person who goes out in public and presents a 4 minute memorized speech to try and get the public to help out with the war
What day was the archduke assassinated
June 28th 1914
What is the Zimmerman telegram?
A secret message from Germany to Mexico proposing alliance against the U.S
What countries got the right to self-determination after the war?
Austria, Russia, and Ethnic groups of Germany
Who was the president at the time of the Spanish American war?
William McKinley
Where did the US navy first attack Spain?
the Philippines
Which Countries were in the Allied powers?
Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the United States
What was the date America officially joined WW1?
April 6th 1917
What did Wilson believe the most important point was in his 14 points?
the establishment of the League of Nations. It would provide a system for international cooperation and diplomacy to prevent future wars from occurring`
What was the name of the ship that attacked Spanish ships?
USS Olympia