What was the scientific revolution?
The rebirth of scientific knowledge.
Inquiry of the world through observable facts and practices.
Birth of the scientific ideals we know today (hypothesis, data, etc.)
Who are some of Mr. Bentley's favorite artists?
This artist is known for his paintings, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
Leonardo Da Vinci (if you said dicaprio im subtracting points)
True or False: Religion would be something that scientists would question during the scientific revolution.
One new idea that resulted from the scientific revolution was the establishment of this. A standardized method of studying natural events.
The scientific method (data, hypothesis, conclusion)
I am responsible for the discovery that blood circulates throughout the human body. I also discovered the purpose of blood.
William Harvey
True or False: The Renaissance was happening at a different time than the scientific revolution.
Where did the Renaissance start and WHY did it start there?
It started in the Italian city states (Florence, Venice Genoa) because these were centers of trading and commerce. They were very wealthy states and were also the sites of the former Roman Empire.
I am one of the most famous Baroque era composers!
Describe the main idea behind the Heliocentric Theory.
The idea that the Earth revolves around the sun. Theory that the sun is the center of our solar system.
Thanks to my work, the modern scientific method was perfected.
Francis Bacon
When did the Renaissance happen? (Years)
From Roughly 1350-1600
When we talk about Classical knowledge and literature, which civilizations are we referring to?
The Ancient Greeks and Romans. They were used a template during the Renaissance.
My work, "The Prince" was known for establishing the idea of absolute rulers and coining the idea, "The ends justify the means".
What was a major result of the scientific revolution?
-better standards of inquiry
-increased knowledge
-more accurate data spread
-new inventions and philosophies created
-challenging of the church and authority
The Laws of motion, gravity and light are all part of my creations.
Isaac Newton
Who was the 46th president of the United States?
Joe Biden
What was the Renaissance?
-Rebirth of interest in classical
ideas and culture (Greek &
Roman) Focus on reasoning/logic
Questioning authority
Going against tradition
How did the culture toward the Church and authority begin to shift during the Renaissance?
Question authority, belief in new religious ideals, challenging what it meant to be Christian. Embracing new ideas about creation.
What was the difference between the Scientific Revolution and the Renaissance?
Renaissance was far more of a rebirth of general knowledge. It was a reawakening of life and culture in general. Where as the scientific revolution was far more focused on the sciences and answering natural phenomenon.
I helped to disprove the idea that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
What is the name of Mr. Bentley's Dog?
Describe the main aspects of humanism. (Give me at least 2)
Man was the most excellent of
God’s creatures. Fulfill life in this lifetime. People need to be well rounded. Classical writings should be used as the templates.
How did the scientific revolution impact music and art?
There became an increasing emphasis on structure and order in art/music. Much less about self expression and more about following the templates of things.