Kingdom of God
Reign of Sin
Corporal Works of Mercy
Already and Not Yet

This is the one true king in the Kingdom of God.

Who is Jesus?


This term means an intense, and often harmful, obsession with following the rules. It is a common sin during the time of Jesus' ministry.


A Mitty student could complete this work of mercy by volunteering in the clothes closet at Sacred Heart Community Services.

What is clothe the naked?


The existence of refugees, violence, and intolerance, proves that the Kingdom of God is ___________ here.

What is not yet?


Homeboy Industries believes that by giving homies these, they can help them to know their innate human dignity and worth, and become less likely to go back to gangs.

What are jobs?


This word, popularized by Fr. Greg Boyle in Tattoos on the Heart, characterizes the relationship among family, and is the ideal way that all humans should love each other

What is kinship?


In the time of Jesus' ministry, Jews who were guilty of this sin thought that they only needed to love their neighbors, fellow Jews 

What is nationalism?

Corporal works of mercy address this type of human need. 

What is physical, bodily, immediate?


As Father Greg and Chico looked into each other's eyes before Chico's death, and Chico heard Father Greg tell him how loved he was, they showed that the Kingdom of God was __________ here. 

What is already?


This term means "daddy," an intimate way to address your father, showing Jesus' closeness with God and lack of shame in close relationships.

What is abba?


Even sinners can be a part of the Kingdom of God, because we are all called to this special type of internal change.

What is conversion?


This type of sin leads to war, poverty, and environmental destruction.

What is communal sin?


Jesus says that we are serving God when we do works of mercy for the ________ of these.

What is least?


At Chico's death, the mortician says this to reveal the "not yet" reality of the Kingdom of God on earth.

What is "he was???" in response to "that was a terrific kid."?


This word, part of a spiritual work of mercy, means to "tell off" or "castigate".

What is admonish?

In the Kingdom of God, these type of people are lifted up as the most important.

Who are the marginalized, the poor, or the outsiders?


This type of sin is a deliberate choice made by an individual to do something they know is wrong, and is not what God wants of them.

What is personal sin?


A more generous interpretation of this corporal work of mercy includes praying for loved ones who have died, or bringing meals to a family who has lost a loved one.

What is "bury the dead"?


In the parable of the Great __________, Jesus shows that the opportunity for the Kingdom of God already exists, but humanity has not yet accepted the invitation.

What is Dinner Party?


Despite the problem of legalism during his ministry, Jesus still held deep respect for these Jewish law books.

What is the Torah?


In the upside down Kingdom of God, Jesus is most highly exalted at this important event in his life. 

What is crucifixion?


Natural disasters, illness, and premature death are all results of this type of sin.

What is N/A, these evil things are not the result of human sin!

One of the most logistically complicated works of mercy for a Mitty student to complete is also one of the main ones done by Homeboy Industries.

What is "visit the imprisoned"?


In Rachel Held Evans's reflection on the Our Father, she reminds us that we have to pray for this in addition to ourselves. 

What is the entire human family/the entire Church?


The spiritual work of mercy to pray for the living and the dead relates to the Catholic belief in a ________ of saints. 

What is communion?
