Religion in the Colonies
European Exploration
13 Colonies Geography
Vocabulary Terms
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The group of settlers that was primarily associated with the New England Colonies

Who are the Puritans?


This is what Europeans hope to find in the New World:

What are better life and job opportunities?


New Jersey belongs to this colonial region:

What are the Middle Colonies?


Definition: the term given to the transfer of plants, animals, disease, and technology between the Old World and the "New World"

What is the Columbian Exchange?


Out of the following which is NOT a Middle Colony: New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Delaware

Where is New Hampshire? (It is a New England Colony)


Some of the Europeans seek religious freedom in North America because of this major reason:

What is to practice their own beliefs without persecution?


This was a common reason for the migration of indentured servants to the colonies:

What is to gain passage to America in exchange for years of labor?


This is the major port city in the colony of Massachusetts?

Where is Boston?


Definition: A government where citizens elect people to represent them and make laws on their behalf.

What is a Representative Government?


This was the first permanent settlement as an English colony in North America

What is Jamestown, Virginia?


This colony was founded by Quakers who believed in peace and equality:

What is Pennsylvania?


The three primary european powers that colonized North and South America

Who are Spain, Great Britain, and France?


This colony was established as a border zone between the Spanish and English colonies

What is the Georgia Colony?


Define colonization

What is the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area?


True or False: Slavery was legal in all 13 colonies.

What is True?


The main religious difference between settlers in the Middle Colonies than from those in New England:

What is the Middle Colonies supported religious tolerance and diversity?


In 1830, ____________ was signed into law to accelerate the forced removal of Native Americans into reservations west of the Mississippi River. 

What is the Indian Removal Act?


This colony was established surrounding the longest free-flowing river on the eastern coast making trade more accessible:

What is the Delaware Colony?


The following categories are examples of what term: Hispanics (Mexicans, Venezuelans, Hondurans, etc.) Asians (Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, etc.) Europeans (Italians, French, Croatians, Greeks, etc.)

What are ethnicities? 


The following three words all beginning with the same letter as Gatorade represent the European motivators to spread their empire:

What is God, Gold, and Glory?


The dominant religion in the Southern Colonies:

What is the Church of England (or Anglican Church)?


List at least 3 of the major effects that European exploration and colonization had on the Indigenous peoples:

What is loss of land, forced assimilation, violence/war, and diseases/death?


Name every colony that borders Connecticut AND the ocean that borders its coastline?

What are the colonies of: New York, Rhode Island, Massachussetts, and the Atlantic Ocean?


Race is a group of people who have in common some visible physical traits, such as skin color, hair texture, facial features, and eye formation. List all 5 races as defined by the official US Census Bureau.

What are Caucasian/White, Black/African-American, Asian, Native American/American Indian, and Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiin?


The _______ fueled the importation of slavery into the southern colonies because of the higher demand for labor in large cash crop plantations. 

What is the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
