The Silk Roads
The Mongol Empire
Indian Ocean Trade Routes
Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
3 Travelers and 2 Lies
Environmental Consequences of Connectivity

Where does paper money originate?



What is the name of the large desert in East Asia where the Mongols and other nomads come from?

Gobi Desert


List 3 THINGS known to be traded through the Indian Ocean Trade Routes.

India: Cotton (carpets, carbon steel), tanned leather, pepper

Malaysia and Indonesia (Spice Islands): Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom

African East Coast: Slaves, ivory, and gold

China: Silks and porcelain

Southwest Asia: Horses , figs, and dates


What was the name given to places where human settlement is possible because water from deep underground is brought to the surface, making fertile land in the middle of desert and other unlivable areas.



Which Country Has Not Fought A War Since 1814?



Where do scientists believe the Black Death originated?

around the Gobi Desert (China)


What Was The First Toy To Be Advertised On Television?

Mr. Potato Head


Why were most cities and caravanserai typically NO MORE than 100 miles from one another along networks of exchange?

That was about the max distance camels could travel at time. 


Who was the leader of the Mongol Empire from the beginning, the one they called Temujin?

Genghis Khan


What does diasporic mean?

the spread of any people from their homeland


Give me 3 reasons why the Camel was a great pack animal for the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes.

- able to travel long distances

- can eat thorny plants and drink salty water

- has long eyelashes that protect its eyes in desert

- only animal that can cross desert

- does not spook easily

- can carry up to 600 pounds with saddle 


Which Bird Has the largest wingspan?



What rice was known for its drought and flood resistance?

Champa Rice


What Country Has The Most Vending Machines Per Capita?



What were Caravanserai?

Inns along trade routes where travelers could trade, rest, and replenish. 


What did the Pax Mongolica do?

This meant that the Silk Road network, which had been dangerous to travel due to the warring kingdoms along the route, fell completely under Mongol control.

The resulting stability brought by Mongol rule opened these ancient trade routes to a largely undisturbed exchange of goods between peoples from Europe to East Asia. Along the Silk Road, people traded goods such as horses, porcelain, jewels, silk, paper, and gun powder. European travelers, such as the Venetian merchant Marco Polo, were able to go all the way to China and back. Polo went on to describe his experience in distant lands in a chronicle that captivated the European audience.

Aside from facilitating trade, the Mongol influence also improved the communication along the Silk Road by establishing a postal relay system. The Mongols culturally enhanced the Silk Road by allowing people of different religions to coexist. The merging of peoples and cultures from conquered territories brought religious freedom throughout the empire. Across the vast steppes of Asia, a traveler might encounter Muslims and Christians living and working alongside Mongols, who continued to practice their traditional religion.


Environmental knowledge was extremely important to merchants in the Indian Ocean, in winter months, winds originated from the northeast, while in the spring and summer, they blew from the southwest.... what was the name of these winds that sailors needed to master to reach distant cities?

Monsoon winds


Who was Mali's founding ruler?



Who was Marco Polo and what did he do?

Marco Polo was an Italian native from Venice who visited the court of Kublai Khan. He wrote one of the best sold books about his travels and documented everything he saw. 

Where are bananas believed to have come from?

Papa New Guinea or Malaysia 


What Is The Most Frequently Sold Item At Walmart?



List 2 major technologies that benefitted sea trade from 1200 - 1450 CE?

Compass, Rudder, Astrolabe.... and more 


Which Khan actually defeated the Song Dynasty and took over China, starting the Yuan Dynasty?

Kublai Khan 


Explain what the astrolabe was...

It allowed sailors to determine how far north or south they were form the equator.


Mansa Musa, Sundiata's grand-nephew is best known for what?

He was known for his iconic pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 where he travelled with around 100 camels, thousands of slaves and soldiers, and gold to distribute to all the people who hosted him along his journey, where he displayed Mali's wealth and spread the teachings of Islam. 


Who was Ibn Battuta and what did he do?

Ibn Battuta traveled throughout Afro-Eurasia for 30 years as an Islamic Scholar spreading the word is Islam.


How many variants of the Black Death were there?

3 (Bubonic, Pneumonic, Childrens')


What Is The Most Common Color Of Toilet Paper In France?



What was the Chinese Junk?

A boat with multiple sails and as long as 400 feet. Triple the size of any European ship at the time. The hull of the ship was split into sections to keep from sinking. 


How did the Mongol Armies effect Medieval Europe's Knights in Armor?

It ended the use of knights in armor because they could not react in time to the Mongols' use of speed and surprise. 


What were lateen sails?

Lateen sails were used by Arab Sailors that were triangular and caught the wind easier from different directions. 


What was the biggest city in Mali?



Who was Margery Kempe and what did she do?

Known for the Book of Margery Kempe, she was an English Christian Pilgrim who traveled to Jerusalem. Rome, Germany, and Spain. She speaks about her experiences at holy sights and is the first woman to adventure around parts of the world and have someone write about it. 


Where did the Black Death have the largest impact and why?

Europe... dey dirty


Who Invented The Word Vomit?

William Shakespeare 
