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Puritans practiced a severe version of Christianity, believing life is a test, Jesus died only for some, and even those who repent their sins are NOT…?

guaranteed salvation (heaven


This style of writing is intended to be completely factual, devoid of any opinions or personal biases of the writer. 

Objective style


John Smith wrote about the colonial effort in North America, based in large part on information he was given by others, as he did not personally witness what happened in the years between his leaving Virginia and publishing his book. 

Who was Smith’s primary audience?

Young men looking to settle America


One of the 20th century's greatest playwrights; married to Marilyn Monroe; testified before Congress in 1956 but refused to accuse anyone

Arthur Miller


This green liquidous object is best paired with a taco, burrito, or perhaps even a crunchwrap supreme. 

Baja Blast


The Pilgrim Puritans arrived in the New World in 1620 led by William Bradford and aboard The Mayflower.  The Massachusetts Bay Colony (Boston) Puritans arrived in 1630 led by John Winthrop and aboard the…?



This type of poetry is short and often deals with the writer's own emotions or personal issues

Lyric poetry


In describing her tragedy, Bradstreet shows that she is a real person who feels doubt and sorrow and who must be constantly active in her faith in order for it to remain meaningful. 

What emotion does Bradstreet never feel/reveal?

Anger to God


When the MBC obtained a royal charter for a colony in NE, he joined, pledging to sell his estate and relocate if the company government and charter were also transferred to America.  The company agreed and elected him governor.

Gov. John Winthrop


This many men and women were hanged in 1692 during the Salem Witch Trials



The Puritan value system remains in our US psyche, shaping emotions and behaviors regardless of political orientation or religious affiliation.

Its impact can be seen in the ideas of capitalism, US work ethic, US divinity, and the  expectation of…?

moral leadership.


This is the term for a type of writing that is a bitter lament or a prophecy of doom



Elizabeth has never told a lie according to her husband, John.  However, she lies (with great difficulty) to the judges about her husband’s relationship with Abigail. 

Why does she lie?

She loves/wants to protect John.  (Also, stopping Abby is the right thing to do, so worth a lie).


Helped govern the British colony of Jamestown.  After allegedly being saved from death, he established trade with NA tribes. With his governing called into question, he returned to England in 1609 and became an advocate of colonization via his published works.

Captain John Smith


Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" was this many hours long, and it immediately converted this many people

6, 500


This was Pocahontas's real name. 



This type of language is characterized by outdated words and phrases. Examples of this type of language can be found on pages 1-247 of The Scarlet Letter. 

Archaic language


Edwards uses all four rhetorical appeals in his loaded-language filled jeremiad.  For instance, he informs listeners that the earth could open beneath their feet and send them to hell at any time.

This is an example of…?

Kairos (pathos also accepted)


With husband and parents, immigrated to America with the MBC group. Became one of the first poets in the colonies.  Her work was published (1650) by her brother-in-law without her knowledge, titled The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America.

Anne Bradstreet


The Puritan Values of TULIP stand for these 5 things: 

Total depravity, Unconditional election (predestination), Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of saints


Longtime governor of Plymouth Colony.  Signed the Mayflower Compact upon arriving in Massachusetts in 1620.  Wrote the two-volume Of Plymouth Plantation, one of the most important early chronicles of NE.

Gov. William Bradford


The ____ is a type of writing in which uncomplicated sentences and ordinary words are used to make simple, direct statements.  It was favored by the Puritans, who wanted to express themselves clearly in accordance with their religious beliefs.

Puritan Plain Style


DAILY DOUBLE: Divine intervention happened in The Scarlet Letter in the form of: 

A meteor with the letter A

(also depending on your interpretation of the text, Dimmesdale's A on his chest could be a divine intervention. Typically divine intervention is less obscure than that in Puritan literature though, and I really like when Jeopardy questions only have one solid answer; I don't like for questions to live in a sea of ambiguity like that, so let's just stick with the meteor)


His sermons and writings embraced the idea of free will, along with a firm confidence in God's righteousness.  During the fiery Great Awakening, he became a lighting rod for a movement that became a widespread religious revival.

Reverend Jonathan Edwards


Jamestown was founded in this year

