European Exploration
Atlantic Slave Trade
Qing Dynasty
Tokugawa Shogunate

What is the route traveled by Hernan Cortes?

What is Tenochtitlan?


What was the Columbian Exchange; what were the results of the Columbian Exchange– particularly environmental, demographic and biological?


What was the Middle Passage?


Manchu forces invaded from the north in search of opportunities for expansion in China. In 1644, rebel forces captured this Ming capital and made it their own.

What is Beijing?


These 260 or so powerful territorial lords who ruled most of Japan from their vast, hereditary landholdings functioned as near-absolute rulers within their domains. Each maintained a government staffed by military subordinates, supported an independent judiciary, established schools, and circulated paper money.

Who were the Daimyo?


What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? What is Brazil?


Disease, Doña Marina, and dissatisfaction with the rule of the Aztec and the Inca held among neighboring kingdoms.

What factors enabled the conquistadors to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires in Mexico and Peru?


These syncretic religions usually did not create an institutional structure or establish a hierarchy of priests and other church officials. Yet in several cases most notably in Haiti, Cuba, and in Brazil they became exceedingly popular among slaves.

What is Voudou, Santeria, and Candomble? 


Chinese belief that the emperors were granted divine permission to rule based on their ability to look after the welfare of the population.

What was the Mandate of Heaven?


These centers of Tokugawa urban culture were the entertainment and pleasure quarters where teahouses, theaters, brothels, and public baths offered escape from social responsibilities and the rigid rules of conduct that governed public behavior in Tokugawa society.

What were the ukiyo ("floating worlds")?


What was Jamestown?


System that gave the Spanish settlers the right to compel the indigenous peoples of the Americas to work in the mines or fields.

What was the Encomienda?


He became a devout Roman and sought to convert all his subjects to Christianity. Portuguese priests in Kongo reported that he attended religious services daily and studied the Bible so zealously that he sometimes neglected to eat.

Who was King Afonso?


He oversaw the construction of a vast Qing empire. He conquered the island of Taiwan, where Ming loyalists had retreated after their expulsion from southern China, and absorbed it into his empire. He sought to forestall problems with nomadic peoples by projecting Chinese influence into central Asia. His conquests in Mongolia and central Asia extended almost to the Caspian Sea, and he imposed a Chinese protectorate over Tibet.

Who was emperor Kangxi?


From the twelfth through the sixteenth century, these military governors ruled Japan through retainers who received political rights and large estates in exchange for military services.

Who were the shogun?


From this castle town, the shogun governed his personal domain and sought to extend his control to the daimyo. The shoguns instituted the policy of "alternate attendance," which required daimyo to keep their families here and spend every other year at the Tokugawa court.

What is Edo (modern Tokyo)?


the failure to secure the Holy Land in the Crusades; idea that a nation's wealth and power were best served by increasing exports, in an effort to collect precious metals like gold and silver; the interest in securing fame, notoriety, fortune and power

What were the primary motives for exploration?


She mobilized central African peoples against her Portuguese adversaries, and she also allied with Dutch mariners, who traded frequently on the African coast during the mid-seventeenth century. Her aim was to drive the Portuguese from her land, then expel the Dutch, and finally create a vast central African empire embracing the entire lower Congo basin.

Who was Queen Nzinga?


In 1793 a British diplomat representing King George Ill of England bestowed gifts on this emperor and petitioned for the right to trade at ports other than Guangzhou.

 Who was Qianlong?


This Portuguese Jesuit, head of the Jesuit mission in Japan, gave up Christianity under torture, adopted Buddhism, and interrogated many Europeans who fell into Japanese hands in the mid-seventeenth century.

Who was Christovao Ferreira?


What is Potosi?


They sought to control Indian Ocean trade by forcing merchant ships to purchase safe-conduct passes and present them at trading posts. Ships without passes were subject to confiscation, along with their cargoes.  As a small country with a small population about one million in 1500 they were unable to sustain a large seaborne trading post empire for very long.

Who were the Portuguese?


After claiming to have been possessed by St. Anthony, Doña Beatriz started this movement that taught that Jesus Christ had been a black African man, that Kongo was the true holy land of Christianity, and that heaven was for Africans.

What was the Antonian Movement?


Who was Mateo Ricci?


During the 1630s the shoguns sharply restricted Japanese relations with other lands that remained in effect for more than two centuries. Small numbers of Chinese and Dutch merchants were permitted to trade under tight restrictions at this southern port city.

What is Nagasaki?
