Vector Components
Equations of Motion
Projectile Motion
Free Fall
Vector Math

This is the vector component that comes from the vertical piece of a vector.

What is the "y" component? 


This value is represented by the letter a.

What is acceleration?


Finish the rhyme

Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat and the fiddle.....

What is " the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such fun, and the dish ran away with the spoon"


This is the value of "g".

What is +/- 9.8 m/s


This method of arranging vectors requires the tip of one vector to meet up with the tail of next vector.

What is the Tip to Tail Method?


This is Pythagorean theorem. 

What is a2+b= c2


These values are the nearly the same with a different subscript to identify them.

What are Vand V0?


This is the final velocity of a object at the peak of its arched path.

What is 0 m/s?


This is why we can not assume the peak of the path of an object that is thrown up is in the middle.

What is the path may not be symmetrical? 


You would use this function to find the angle of a resultant vector.

What is the inverse tangent?


These are the formulas for solving for the "x" and "y" components of a vector defined by the "x" axis.

What are d= d sin(theta) and d=d cos(theta)?


Both of these formulas solve for d.

What are d= vave *t and d= Vot+1/2at2?

This is the final velocity of an object launched in a symmetrical motion path.

What is the initial velocity?


This is a critical first step in solving a Free Fall problem.

What is identifying the variables?


This Vector would have a non-zero value but a zero value component.

What is a vector directly up and down or left to right?


This is the y component of a vector with a magnitude of 34 N at an angle of 32 degrees N of E. 2 sig fig.

 What is 18.0 N?


An Olympic-class sprinter starts a race with an acceleration of 4.50 m/s2. This is her speed 2.40 s later. 3 sig fig.

What is 10.8 m/s?


This is why the bullet fired vs a bullet dropped experiment yielded similar results results.

What is Gravity?


Calculate the velocity at times of  0.500,  1.50, and 2.00, for a rock thrown straight down with an initial velocity of 14.0 m/s from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City. The roadway of this bridge is 70.0 m above the water.

What are....

a) -18.9 m/s

b) -28.7 m/s

c) -33.6 m/s


Set up a sketch for the following situation in which you would solve for the resultant vector.

A lady bug walks along a horizontal path for 3 cm. It turns on a 23 degree angle to the north and walks for another 5 cm. An obstruction in the path of the lady bug requires it to turn and walk another 6 cm due north. One final 90 degree turn to the east for a distance of 4 cm brings the lady bug to its intended location.

What is.. (see sketch created by student)?


These are the "x" and "y" components of a vector with a 17 km/h magnitude that is projected at a 25 degree angle above the ground.

What is dy=7.18km/h and dx= 15.4km/h?


 A light-rail commuter train accelerates at a rate of 1.35 m/s2. This how long it takes to reach its top speed of 80.0 km/h, starting from rest.  3 sig fig

What is 16.5 s?


A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a 60.0-m building and lands 100.0 m from the base of the building. It will be in the air for this long. 2 sig fig (6 min)

What is 3.5 s?


This 1989 Tom Petty song is on the album Full Moon Fever.

What is "Free Fallin'"?


Suppose you first walk 12.0 m in a direction 20º west of north and then 20.0 m in a direction 40.0º south of west. This is how far are you from your starting point, and the compass direction of a line connecting your starting point to your final position. 3 sig fig (6 min)

What is 19.5 m, 5 degrees S of W?
