Causes of Imperialism
Era of US Imperialism
Fun Random Trivia
Causes of WWI

Building military bases in the Pacific would be an example of which justification for Imperialism? 

Political motivation


List one (1) reason why the US constructed the Panama canal.

1) Make trade faster 2) easier to move military ships from the east coast to the west coast 


What was the name of the actor who played Jack Dawson in the movie Titanic?

Leonardo DiCaprio


What does "MANIA" stand for and what is it used to explain?

Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination. 

Used to explain the causes of WWI


What foreign policy did the US pursue BEFORE entering the first Wold War?

The US tried to stay neutral and not involved.


What was an economic justification for US Imperialism? 

1) The need for raw materials for factories and 2) The need for new markets to sell manufactured goods


How did "Yellow Journalism" lead to US involvement in the Spanish-American War?

Yellow journalist intentionally created overly emotional messages against the Spanish (USS Maine, Spanish atrocities in Cuba, etc.) that caused the US public to be convinced that going to war was the right decision. 


Which natural disaster is measured with a Richter scale?



Which individual was assassinated in Sarajavo causing the outbreak of WWI?

Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 


Which legislation was passed due to the actions of Socalists such as Eugiene Debs and Charles Schneck?

The Sedition Act of 1917 which limited the ability of individuals to criticize the actions of the government.


Define Imperialism

Social, economic, and political domination of a stronger country over a weaker one. 


Why did the US promote the "Open Door Policy" with China?

To ensure equal trading opportunities with all other European nations.


What year was the very first model of the iPhone released? (+/- 1 year accepted)

2007 (2006-2008)


Why did Germany send the Zimmerman Telegram?

Germany wanted Mexico to attack the US so the United States would not join in the conflict in Europe.


What was the only one of Wilson's "14 Points" that was actually put into effect? 

The 14th point known as the "League of Nations"


What effect did Alfred T. Mahan's book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History have on US Imperialism?

Lead to the creation of the "Great White Fleet" and the establishment of the US as a major naval power


What were the three biggest territories that the US gained from the Spanish American War?

Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam


In which city were the first "modern" Olympic Games held?

Athens, Greece (1896)


List TWO (2) things that Germany did that caused the US to enter WWI.

Breaking the Sussex Pledge and resuming unrestricted submarine warfare, sending the "Zimmerman Telegram", and sinking the Lusitania. 


Why did the US Senate vote to NOT adopt the Treaty of Versailles and NOT join the League of Nations?

They were worried about more foreign alliances causing the US to be dragged into another world war. 


How was the "White Man's Burden" used to justify imperialism? 

The "White Man's Burden" was used to justify imperialism by portraying it as the moral duty of Western powers to civilize and govern supposedly inferior non-Western peoples, while masking the exploitation and domination inherent in imperialist policies.


What was US foreign policy immediately following the Spanish-American War?

Continue to expand as an imperial power. 


Which mountain range is the longest in the world?

The Andes in South America. 


How did militarism cause the outbreak of WWI?

All major European powers upgraded their military and were anxious to utilize them on the field of battle


AFTER WWI, which historic event showed that the US attempted to return to an "Isolationist" foreign policy? 

They did NOT join to League of Nations.
