Main Idea
Key Details
Context Clues

Define Main Idea

What is the topic of a text?


Define Key Details

What is important parts of the text that supports the main idea?


Define Context Clues

What is elements around a word or phrase that can help you define it?


Apply the rule and spell the word.

Base Word- Empty

Suffix -ed

What is emptied?


Another word for telling a story in your own words

What is recount?


Why should you exercise? When you exercise, you lower your chances of getting sick. For example, exercise makes your heart healthier and your body stronger. It improves your mood and can make you feel calm. Regular exercise helps you think more clearly, so you can get more done during the day. Exercise can even help you sleep better at night. Regular exercise can make your life better in so many ways! What is the main idea?

Exercise helps people feel better in many ways.


I had the best time at my family vacation to Disneyworld! We had so much fun riding on the rides. My favorite part was meeting Mickey Mouse. (Identify a key detail)

What is we had so much fun riding on the rides OR my favorite part was meeting Mickey Mouse?


Kaylee walked into the vacant school. No one was there. Define vacant.

What is empty?


Apply the rule and spell the word.

Base Word - Shop

Suffix -ing

What is shopping?


NURSE stands for...?

Number the passage, Underline important words in the question, Read, Slash 2, Evidence


Bats are known for flying around at night and sleeping during the day. You may have seen pictures of bats sleeping upside down in caves. Bats have other daytime resting places, too. They sleep in trees, in old buildings, and even under bridges. More than a million bats sleep under one bridge in Austin, Texas. This colony, or group, contains about as many bats as there are people in the city! What is the main idea?

Bats sleep in many different kinds of places during the day.


The jellyfish is the most unique and fascinating animal. They are so interesting to learn about. Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones, or eyes! Identify a key detail.

What is jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones, or eyes?

Enrique noticed a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. His mom was making his favorite food for dinner. Define aroma.

What is smell?


Apply the rule and spell the word.

Base Word- Scare

Suffix -ing

What is scaring?


This is a word part that comes at the END of a word to change it's meaning

What is a suffix?


Smartphones are phones that are used for more than making calls and sending messages. People count on them for getting directions and finding information on the internet. People also have fun listening to music, taking pictures, and playing games on their phones. On the other hand, smartphones have some downsides. They can make it hard to keep your mind on important things, like studying. Some people even text during meals, or when spending time with their family. Driving while using a phone puts people in danger. Smartphones are useful, but they can cause problems if not used safely and politely. What is the main idea?

Smartphones can be used in both good and bad ways.


I'm so excited to go on my first picnic in the park. I need to make sure I bring everything. Blanket? Check. Basket? Check. Food and drinks? Check, check. I'm ready to go on my picnic! Identify a key detail.

What is blanket, basket, food and drinks?


Maurice had a plethora of knight bucks. He could buy whatever he wanted from the PBIS store! Define plethora.

What is excessive number, or a lot?


The reason why we do not drop the "e" in "careful"

What is the suffix -ful begins with a consonant?


This is a word part that comes at the BEGINNING of a word to change it's meaning

What is a prefix?


Worker bees gather nectar from flowers. Nectar is a sweet liquid that bees use to make honey. As they gather nectar, bees do another important job, too. They carry tiny grains of pollen from one part of a flower to another. Sometimes they carry pollen from one flower to another. As a result, the plants are able to grow new seeds and fruit. Bees carry pollen to many different kinds of plants, including many that people eat. So, our food supply would be hurt without bees. We depend on bees for food like peaches, pears, and apples. What is the main idea?

Bees are important because they help plants grow many foods we eat.


The biggest storm was coming. It started out as hard rain droplets. Then the wind started to pick up. I heard the thunder followed by the brightest lightning I had ever seen. Identify a key detail.

What is It started out as hard rain droplets. Then the wind started to pick up. I heard the thunder followed by the brightest lightning I had ever seen?


Trinitee noticed it felt frigid outside so she went to go put on a jacket, gloves, and hat. Define frigid.

What is cold?


You need these two things to "drop the y and change it to an i"

What is a base word that end in a "consonant y" and a suffix beginning with any letter except for "i"?


They played with the (puppy -es) last weekend. Spell the correct word in the parentheses. 

What is puppies?
