The sinking of the USS Maine led to this war.
What is the Spanish American War?
Expanding your influence through military or diplomatic actions.
What is imperalism?
These were the Allied forces at the start of the war (FIRE)
What are France, Italy, Russia, and England?
True/False: The US already did more business with the Allies, so had an interest in safeguarding their economic investments
What is true?
This group won the war. (Allied or Central Powers)
What are the Allied Powers?
The US took over this island after American sugar plantation owners led a coup
What is Hawaii?
Believing your country is the best, often leading to militarism and armament.
What is Nationalism?
WW1 began when this man was assassinated
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
The US did NOT enter the war after the sinking of the Lusitania, even if it made them mad at Germany, because....
What is the Sussex Pledge, made by Germany?
This was in short supply in the US during the war, leading to the cultivation of 'victory gardens.'
What is food?
Exaggerated headlines are an example of this type of journalism
What is Yellow Journalism?
Def: A blind support for one's country, especially military action
What is Jingoism?
This aspect of MANIA caused a regional conflict to turn into a full world war
What is alliances?
Wilson was concerned about the 'freedom of the seas' after Germany resumed this action...
What is unrestricted sub warfare?
This plan outlined Wilson's vision of a 'peace without victory'
What are the Fourteen Points?
This new principle of US government said that if South American countries were badly run (in debt, etc) the US could intervene
What is the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
Adding to your territory. Example: the US [BLANKED] Hawaii in 1898
What is Annexed?
What is 1914, 1917, 1918?
This 1917 Communist Revolution took its country out of the war; made the US more likely to enter.
What is the Russian Revolution?
Wilson imagined the creation of this group of countries; this was rejected by the US Congress, who wanted to return to isolationism
What is the League of Nations?
The US assumed control of building the Panama Canal from this country, after supporting Panama's independence against Columbia.
What is France?
These laws resulted in American losing their civil rights (freedom of speech) during the war
What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Repeat the order in which countries declared war on each other.
Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia, which brings in Russia; Russia brings in Britain and France. Once they are all against Austria Hungary, A-H brings in Germany, who brings in the Ottoman Empire
Explain fully the Zimmerman Telegram without looking at notes.
[on board]
The Treaty of Versailles did these four things (no looking at notes)
What is... Blame Germany; Reparations ($); Arms seizure; Territory loss