Vocabulary Match
grammar fundamentals
sentence or fragment?
Paragraph Parts and Writing Traits
Mr. Hernandez facts

this writing trait judges how on topic, detail filled, and explained a paragraph is.



Identify the grammar fundamental in the italicized words. Some may have multiple correct answers.

my mom is sitting in the car.

simple sentence

independent clause


Is this sentence or a fragment? Explain what is missing if it is a fragment:

"Never ran before"

fragment - missing subject.

What part of the paragraph is italized?

Tacos are popular in the US no matter race or culture. According to a national survey done in the US, 88% of respondents said tacos are their favorite weekend food. This survey had a even split between racial groups. Therefore, the survey shows that 88% of all racial groups enjoy tacos. This firmly proves that tacos are a universally enjoyed food in the US.

topic sentence


This is the state where Mr. Hernandez went to college to.



this grammar fundamental has at least 1 subject and 1 verb, and only 1 complete idea.

simple sentence


Identify the grammar fundamental in the italicized words. Some may have multiple correct answers.

I never have worked outside.



Is this sentence or a fragment? Explain what is missing if it is a fragment:

"the man down the street."

fragment - missing a verb.


What part of the paragraph is italicized?

Tacos are popular in the US no matter race or culture. According to a national survey done in the US, 88% of respondents said tacos are their favorite weekend food. This survey had a even split between racial groups. Therefore, the survey shows that 88% of all racial groups enjoy tacos. This firmly proves that tacos are a universally enjoyed food in the US.

concluding sentence


Mr. Hernandez is an uncle.

How many neices and nephews does he have each?

1 neice and 1 nephew


this grammar fundamental is a complex sentence. By itself, it is a fragment.

dependent clause


Identify the grammar fundamental in the italicized words. Some may have multiple correct answers.

Mr. Hernandez takes medication since his body needs extra help.

dependent clause


Is this sentence or a fragment? Explain what is missing if it is a fragment:

"my mom always calls me on sundays."

no fragment.

mom is the simple subject.

calls is the simple verb.


What part of the paragraph is italicized? 

Tacos are popular in the US no matter race or culture. According to a national survey done in the US, 88% of respondents said tacos are their favorite weekend food. This survey had a even split between racial groups. Therefore, the survey shows that 88% of all racial groups enjoy tacos. This firmly proves that tacos are a universally enjoyed food in the US.



List two different jobs Mr. Hernandez does or used to do. "Teaching at SPSA" will not be an accepted answer

goat herder / farmer

regular farmer


server at restaurant

national park ranger

refugee teacher


this grammar fundamental is a group of words containing nouns, or verbs, or adjectives or prepositions. On it's own, it is a fragment.



Identify the grammar fundamental in the italicized words. Some may have multiple correct answers.

Mr. Hernandez takes medication since his body needs extra help.

independent clause 


Find the fragment in the mini paragraph.

roses are red. violets blue. the poem typed is overused. i think people should make up a new style.

"violets blue"


What part of the paragraph is italicized?

Tacos are popular in the US no matter race or culture. According to a national survey done in the US, 88% of respondents said tacos are their favorite weekend food. This survey had a even split between racial groups. Therefore, the survey shows that 88% of all racial groups enjoy tacos. This firmly proves that tacos are a universally enjoyed food in the US.



this grammar fundamental is required in a complex sentence. However, on its own, it can become a simple sentence.

independent clause


Identify the grammar fundamental in the italicized words. Some may have multiple correct answers.

The little kids usually run outside, so we should too.

compound sentence


find the mini sentence in the mini paragraph -

outside time should be mandatory for all students. research shows that outside time improves children's moods by reducing stress levels. important for school. if school is a place that is supposed to be safe, and stress levels are unsafe for students, outside time should be mandatory.

"important for school"


Create your own paragraph with at least 3-4 sentences arguing about the following topic:

soft shell tacos should the the ONLY way a taco should be made, sold, and eaten in Texas.

Answers will vary.
