What is a paragraph like grouping of lines in a poem called?
The main character or voice in the poem is called?
The Speaker
What type is "Sally sells seashells on the seashore?"
When words at the end of the line sound the same, they....
The time and place in the poem is called?
the setting
phrases that imply something different from their literal meaning
What is an idiom?
Oink! Oink! is an example of what?
A poem that has not rhythm or ryhme?
Free Verse
My brother is a sloth when he does his homework.
The sequence of events in a text is called?
the plot
You can't have your cake and eat it too is an example of what?
An idiom
traditionally a story that explains how some aspects of the world came to be.
what is a creation story?
Don't bite off more than you can chew is what?
An idiom.