Number Riddle
I am a 5-digit number.
My 6 is worth 6 * 10,000.
My 2 is worth 200.
One of my 3s is worth 3.
The other 3 is worth 1,000 times as much.
My other digit is a 7.
What number am I?
What is 63,273
Solve 39 x 2
What is 819?
What is 94
Solve 78 x 82.
What is 6,396?
Solve 26 x 71.
What is 1,846.
Solve 528 x 39.
What is 20,592.
I am a 6-digit number.
One of my 5 is worth 500,000.
The other 5 is worth 1/10 as much.
My 6 is worth 6 [100s].
My 4 is worth 40.
My other digits are 0.
What number am I?
What is 550,640,
Solve 386 x 79.
What is 30,494?