
What is another name for the lesson of a story?



At the beginning of the story, Jake and Andy go on a hike in the woods. In the middle, Jake falls and breaks his leg. Then, Andy goes to find him help. Finally, an emergency team carries Jake out of the woods.

What happened last in the story?

Jake is carried out of the woods by an emergency team.


What is a theme?

The central message or lesson a book is about.


I woke up to go to school and my dog, Stanley, was sick. This made me scared, so I took him to the vet. His doctor said he needed medicine to feel better. I took Stanley home, gave him is medicine, and he felt better!

What is the problem of this story?

Stanley was sick.


What is an inference?

Using clues from the text with our own knowledge to understand what is happening

What is the definition of sequence of events?

Events in a story that happened in order


Mom took Natalie to the shoe store at the mall. First, the shoe salesman measured her foot. Next, he went to the back to get shoes for Natalie to try on. Finally, she tried on 3 pairs of shoes and bought one pair.

What happened just before Natalie tried on the shoes?

The shoe salesman went to get shoes from the back for Natalie to try on.


What is one possible theme a book can be?

Be kind to others, honesty is the best policy..


I woke up to go to school and my dog, Stanley, was sick. This made me scared, so I took him to the vet. His doctor said he needed medicine to feel better. I took Stanley home, gave him is medicine, and he felt better!

What is the "so" of the story?

I took him to the vet to help him feel better.


What are characteristics of a good summary?

Short, not very detailed


What is a summary of a story?

An overview what the story is about


Kellen's alarm went off at 7:30. He jumped out of bed, got dressed, and brushed his teeth. Then he made his bed before going downstairs for breakfast. After eating a bowl of cereal, he grabbed his backpack and headed for the bus.

What did Kellen do after he brushed his teeth?

He made his bed.


Mrs. Tyler decided to go camping over the weekend. At first, she had trouble finding an open campsite because she did not make a reservation. Then, she realized she forgot the matches so she could not use the portable stove for dinner. Lastly, she realized she also forgot her sleeping bag.

What is the theme of this story?

Plan ahead and be prepared!


I woke up to go to school and my dog, Stanley, was sick. This made me scared, so I took him to the vet. His doctor said he needed medicine to feel better. I took Stanley home, gave him is medicine, and he felt better!

What is the "then" of the story?

Stanley got medicine and felt better!


What are transition words?

First, last, then, next, later..


What are the 5 parts we should include in a summary?

Somebody, wanted, but, so, then


Mrs. Tyler had her students do things when they came into the classroom every morning. First, move their lunch cards. Next, they do their morning work. Then, use the bathroom. Finally, before starting math deb, they clean up their morning work.

What do the students in Mrs. Tyler's class do third?

Use the bathroom if needed.


Mr. Tuttle was planning a unit on nutrition with his students. He taught them about eating healthy, lectured them about making good choices, and told them they need to eat fruits and vegetables. Then, he went home and ate pizza, ice cream, and a piece of cake. 

What is the theme of this?

A. Actions speak louder than words! Or, practice what you preach.

B. Be kind

C. Try your best


I woke up to go to school and my dog, Stanley, was sick. This made me scared, so I took him to the vet. His doctor said he needed medicine to feel better. I took Stanley home, gave him is medicine, and he felt better!

Write a summary of this story.

I had to go to school, but my dog was sick. So, I took him to the vet and he felt better after getting medicine.

Which word is an antonym for typical?



Central message is a synonym for what word?



s. Tyler had her students do things when they came into the classroom every morning. First, move their lunch cards. Next, they do their morning work. Then, use the bathroom. Finally, before starting math deb, they clean up their morning work.

What is the last thing Mrs. Tyler has the students do?

Clean up their morning work


Ryan's life changed when he got sick. He could no longer go to school and was unable to see his friends. His best friend, Olivia, would drop off his favorite books and food at his door to make him feel better. She also would call him to check in.

What is the theme of this story?

Real friends stick together through hard times.

Write a summary for Creepy Carrots.

Jasper wanted to eat the carrots. But, they began following him so he made a fence around their patch. Then, the carrots celebrated!


What is the difference between plot and theme?

Plot is the events in a story. Theme is the lesson learned in the story.
