Tell us the name of the food gropus
1.Fruit and vegetables
2. Bread, pasta, cereales and pota toes.
3. Olive oil, seeds, avocados and nuts.
4. Meats, poultry, fish, eggs and pulses.
5. Dairy products.
What happens if you eat too much sugar?
It can cause obesity and is bad for your teeth.
What are additives?
Food colouring
Flavour enhancers
Name three things you should do to have an healthy lifestyle.
1. Have a check-up
2-Sleep eight hours at night
3- Keep your room clean.
Eating junk food and fast food is a good habit?
Fruit and vegetables give you...
lots of vitamins and minerals
What happens if you eat too much salt?
It can give you high blood pressure.
What happens when you have too much food colouring?
Allergic reaction
Make children lose focus
Drinking water is a good habit?
When you exercise, your brain produces...
Carbohydrates provide your body with...
long-lasting energy.
which group is good for your bones and teeth?
Dairy products
How to prevent tooth decay?
Brushing your teeth
What happens if you have too much flavour enhancer?
Thirst, headaches
why is important do some exercise?
It makes your heart stornger and your circulatory system work better.
What do avocado oil help us do?
Lower cholesterol
Name three food which belong to the carbohydrates group
Pasta, bread, cereals potatoes...
How you can stop from spreandin germs?
washing your hands
Playing sports is a good habit?
To have a healthy lifestyle you should have a check-up with your...
1. Family doctor.
2. Eye doctor.
3. Dentist
which food group contain proteins?
Meats, poultry, fish, eggs and pulses.
Name three food which belong to the dairy products group.
butter, milk, cheese...
How you should wash your hands, explain it.
1. Rub warm water and soap together on your hands.
2. Wash the soap off with clean water.
3. Dry your hand with hot air or a clean towel.
watchig TV everyday is a good habit?
What happens to your body when you sleep? and why?
Your body releases hormones to repair your cells.