Order of Operations
Perimeter and Area
The High tempeture in Garland dropped 3 degrees each day for five days straight. Show the process of integers that you would use to find your answer?
-3(5) or (-3)+(-3)+(-3)+(-3)+(-3) or -3-3-3-3-3
Where should the Parenthisis be inserted to make the value of this expression equal to 24? (number3)
What is 24/(8-2^2)+6x3
A box of hot cocoa mix has 15 packets. Each packet has a mass of 28.3 grams. What is the Best estimate of the mass of two boxes of hot cocoa mix?
What is 420 grams (multiply Equal Parts)
using the number line represent 4 x 2/3 0--1--2--3--4--5
a hump at every second mark.
Mr. Chang has a back yard in the shape of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 110 feet. if the width of the backyard is 20 feet, what is the length?
What is 35. p= 2l+2w 110= 2l+ 2(20)
Write the equation for a numberline that shows you starting at 0 and moving to your right 7 spaces, then moving to your left 10.
What is 7+(-10)=-3
What is the value of the expression below? (number4)
What is 55
James started out at his part-time job earning $7.50 an hour. At this rate, how much did he make if he worked 18 hours in one week? Daily Double*
What is $135 (multiply Equal Parts)*
Kerri practiced her cheerleading between 2 1/4 hours and 3 1/2 hours per day. What is a resonable amount of time she practices for seven days?
What is about 20 hours a week. (estimate)
The band director uses tape to mark of a 7 foot by 12 foot rectangular section of the stage for the drum section. How much tape does he need to surround the section he marked off?
What is 38ft
Marc and Liza are practicing addition of integers by using playing cards. Black cards are positive numbers and red cards are negative numbers. if they have a black 9, a red 3, a red 8, and a black 6, what is their sum of the cards?
What is 4
What is the value of the expression: (number 5)
What is 62
Tory has a final average of 83.8 in his English class. Fred's final average is 74.9 what is the difference between the two averages?
What is 8.9
solve the following expression: 9 1/4 - (3/4 + 1 1/2 + 1 1/4 + 1/2+ 1 1/2+ 2)
What is 1 3/4
What is the area of the figure if each square is worth 2? (see number 17)
What is 50
Show a representation using integer chips for this expression: -6/3
What is 3 sets of 2 negative integer chips.
Name the order of operations:
What is Parenthisis, Exponents, Multiply and Divide, Add and Subtract.
What are the three rules in your journal for adding or subtracting Decimals?
What is 1. Line up the decimal, 2. add or Subtract each Column, 3. Drop the Decimal (Drop it like it's hot)
if their are 24 students in Kate's class and 1/3 of them are girls. How many girls are in Kates class?
What is 8 (make a common denominator of 24)
What is the formula for area of a Trapizoid?
What is A= (b1+b2)xh/2
The normal maximum temperature in January for Houston, Texas is 61 degrees. The normal maximum temperture in January for Detroit, Michigan, is 30 degrees. This January, Houston's average was 5 degrees above normal and Detroit's average was 2 degrees below normal. How much warmer was this January's average temperature in Houston thatn Detroit's?
What is (61+5)-(30-2)= 38
In your own words explain what is 4^6 actually telling you to do?
What is multiplying 4 by itself 6 times.
Are the steps to Multiplying Decimals and Dividing Decimals the same? Explain your answer.
What is No. When multiplying Decimals you have to set up the problem, multiply ignoring the decimal,count your decimal places, put your decimals into your answer starting from the right. Dividing Decimals you have to set up the problem, make the divisor a whole number, move the decimal up and then divide.
If there are still 24 students in Kate's class and of the girls in the class 1/2 of them have at least one brother or sister. how many girls in Kate's class have at least one rother or sister.
What is 4. (1/2 of 8 is 4)
What is the perimeter of a regular polygon with 6 equal sides. each side is 2cm.
What is 12 because 6(s)= 6(2) = 12