2A: What Happened?
2B: Memories
2C: Culture Shock
3A: Bucket Lists

What's the difference?

Past simple

Past continuous

Past simple: actions that have finished/are completed

Past continuous: Action that is finished, but was in progress (not finished) at a certain point in time


What's the difference?



Remember: something you do yourself

Remind: someone else makes you do this


Which adjectives are positive, which are negative?

Anxious, cheerful, dull, enjoyable, extraordinary, homesick, lively, nervous, optimistic, peaceful, positive, strange, stressful, unpleasant. 

Positive: cheerful, enjoyable, extraordinary, lively, optimistic, peaceful, positive.

Negative: Anxious, dull, homesick, nervous, strange, stressful, unpleasant. 


Match the phrasal verbs with 'get' to each meaning 

1. We don't get along very well

2.I'm getting tired of his lies

3. She'll get in touch soon!

4. What time did you get here?

A.Becoming frustrated with

B. Arrive

C. Contact someone

D. Have a good relationship with

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B


What we use '-ing' adjectives for, and what we use '-ed' adjectives for

-ing: a situation, object or another person

-ed: yours & others' thoughts and feelings; emotions


Make this a sentence

past: she not travel, now: go on holiday every year

She didn't use to travel, but now, she goes on holiday every year


Correct the mistakes

1. It was to strange for me to enjoy!

2. The job was too stress for me

3. I didn't feel enough confidence to talk to her

1. too

2. stressful

3. confident enough


What three time words can you use with the present perfect?

Just, yet, already 


Correct the mistakes:

1. My brother was frightening by the horror film he watched last night.

2. She was amazing by how amazed the chocolate quality was.

3. Juat because liking Taylor Swift is embarrassed, doesn't mean you need to be embarrassing.

1. Frightened

2. Amazed, amazing

3. Embarrassing, embarrassed


Correct the mistakes:

1.They used to meeting their friends after school

2. Did he always used to do that?

3. We are used to go France in the summer


2. Use to

3. remove 'are', use to


Choose the correct alternatives 

(screenshot from Roadmap exercise 8!)

1. such

2. that

3. too

4. enough

5. too

6. to

7. enough

8. so

9. that


Match the verbs with the correct preposition:

1. Take part

2. Go

3. Apply

4. Experience

A. For

B. - (no prep.)

C. In

D. On

1. C

2.  D

3. A

4. - (no prep.)


Complete the story with the correct forms of the verbs in (brackets)


Which of these phrases can be used with a verb + -ing?

reminds me of,  makes me think of,  I have happy memories of,  makes me feel,  I'll never forget,  I'll always remember 

All of them, except makes me feel


Complete the sentences

1. The box is heavy. I cannot lift it (so...that)

2. It was a beautiful country. I decided go to back. (such)

3. There were things to do. I felt amazed and confused. (so, many)

1. The box is so heavy that I can't lift it

2. It was such a beautiful country that I decided to go back.

3. There were so many things to do, that I felt amazed and confused


Makes these into sentences:

1. you/not/still/lunch/eaten/?

2. She/go/has/missed/just/to/school/you/her/have

3. has/see/not/film/he/do/not/anything/say/the

1. Have you still not eaten lunch?

2. You just missed her, she's gone to school

3. He hasn't seen the film yet, don't say anything!


Make these sentences into questions:

1. do/what/you/were/3PM/at

2. Paris/live/when/in/were/they/married/got/they

1. What were you doing at 3PM?

2.Were they living in Paris when they got married?


What's the difference?

Heard vs listened

Saw vs watched

Watched vs looked  

Hear: notice smth with your ears by chance

Listened: hearing, but for longer and deliberately

Saw: see smth for a long or short time, by chance or focused

Watched: see smth, but it's deliberate, for longer

Looked: See smth for a short time, but is deliberate


Choose the correct suffixes for the adjectives, then create the adjective forms 

(screenshot from vocab bank, exercise 2)


State 5 uses of the present perfect

1. Life experience

2. Present result

3. Recent action/event 

4. Unfinished time

5. How long (duration)
