To express disagreement with, disapproval of, or opposition to something by complaining about it
Who was fighting in the French and Indian War?
Great Britain and the United States
Who started the Boston Massacre?
What was the name of the group of men who protested?
Sons of Liberty
How did colonists react to British rule?
By protesting
Not buying British goods
ways that the government can collect money from its citizens to pay for things that the people need
Which country won the French and Indian War?
Great Britain gained territory
Great Britain had debt
Great Britain gained new territories
How many people were killed in the Boston Massacre?
Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?
"legal papers, like wills, marriage licenses, newspapers, and even cards and dice"
Stamp Act
A formal law
How did the British pay off their debts?
Passing taxes
How many times did a gun fire into the crowd?
7-8 times
How many chests of tea were thrown in the ocean?
"Colonial merchants to smuggle the goods into the colonies"
The Sugar Act - 1764
Colonists who rebelled against British control during the American Revolution.
Who was the leader of the French and Indian War?
George Washington
Name 2 things the colonists were doing to the British
- Throwing snowballs
- Had weapons / Threatening the soldiers
-Cursing at the soldiers
What was 1 cause of the Boston Tea Party?
taxed goods like glass, paper, paint, and tea imported from Britain
Townshend Act
To stop dealing with or connecting with a country, organization, or person as a punishment or protest.
Name 2 effects of the French and Indian War
Great Britain gained territory
Great Britain had debt
Great Britain gained new territories
Why was it so difficult to determine what actually happened this day?
-Different drawings/Newspapers printed
Why did colonists throw tea in the ocean?
required colonies to house and feed British soldiers stationed
Quartering Act