This mystic healer gained influence over the Russian royal family due to his supposed ability to treat the tsar’s son’s hemophilia.
This economic policy, enforced by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War, involved the nationalization of industry, forced grain requisitioning, and banning private trade.
War Communism
This 1917 revolution led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the establishment of a Provisional Government in Russia.
The February Revolution
He took over after Lenin’s death, launching massive purges, forced collectivization, and the Great Terror in the Soviet Union.
Joseph Stalin
How many years has Mrs. J been at NCHS?
He was the last tsar of Russia, overthrown during the 1917 Revolution and later executed with his family.
Tsar Nicholas II
Introduced by Lenin in 1921, this policy temporarily allowed some private business and small-scale capitalism to revive the Soviet economy after War Communism failed.
The New Economic Plan
This second revolution of 1917 brought the Bolsheviks to power under Lenin, overthrowing the Provisional Government.
The October Revolution
The father of the Soviet Union, he led the Bolsheviks to victory in the Russian Revolution and introduced communism to Russia.
Vladimir Lenin
Which Social Studies teacher at NCHS has been here the longest?
Mr. Holmberg
This tsar emancipated the serfs in 1861 but was later assassinated by a revolutionary group.
Tsar Alexander II
This side in the Russian Civil War was made up of Bolsheviks and their supporters, fighting to establish a communist state.
The Reds
Sparked by dissatisfaction with the Russian government, this 1905 uprising included worker strikes, peasant revolts, and the Bloody Sunday massacre, leading to the October Manifesto.
The Revolution of 1905
This German philosopher and economist wrote The Communist Manifesto and developed the theory of communism, which inspired revolutions around the world.
Karl Marx
Who is the Social Studies department chair?
Mr. Ashton
This tsar was known for his harsh rule, crushing the Decembrist Revolt in 1825 and expanding Russia’s secret police.
Tsar Nicholas I
This anti-Bolshevik faction in the Russian Civil War included monarchists, liberals, and other opponents of communism but suffered from disorganization and lack of unity.
The Whites
This 1904-1905 war was a humiliating defeat for Russia, as Japan shocked the world by destroying much of the Russian navy and claiming victory.
Russo-Japanese war
A key Bolshevik leader, he founded the Red Army but was later exiled and assassinated on Stalin’s orders in Mexico.
Name 2 Social Studies teachers who attended NCHS as students.
Ms. Hanley
Ms. Lee
Ms. Braun
Mr. Zieman
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Lugiai
As tsar, he reversed many of his father’s liberal reforms and cracked down on opposition, earning the nickname "The Reactionary."
Tsar Alexander III
Issued by Tsar Nicholas II in 1905, this document promised basic civil liberties and the creation of a legislative assembly (the Duma) to appease protesters.
The October Manifesto
Fought between 1853 and 1856, this war saw Russia face off against an alliance of Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire, ultimately weakening Russian influence in Europe.
The Crimean War
The leader of the Provisional Government after the February Revolution, he was overthrown by the Bolsheviks later that year.
Alexander Kerensky
How many teachers are named "Michael" in the Social Studies department at Naperville Central?
5: Albiniak, Ulreich, Borge, Wilson, Bochenski