Preview text

What is an inference?

An educated guess of a meaning based on prior knowledge and context clues. 


What is an adjective?

A word that describes a noun. 

What is previewing a text?

This is when you skim a text before reading in order to get a general idea of the topic or theme. 


What is context?

This is the surrounding text of a particular idea or concept.


What does "likely" mean?

This is a very possible thing that could happen. 


Why do we use inferences?

To find the meaning of a word or concept that you have not seen before. 


What is a descriptive adjective?

A more specific adjective with richer details. 


How can previewing a text help you?

If you preview as text, you can essentially pre-read to better understand the text when you fully read. 


What are context clues and how can they help you?

These help you understand a text more. They are certain phrases and words that hint at something.


How can you "identify" something?

You can spot or recognize something that is true. 


Which of the following is an inference you could make:

Reading is one of the best past times. Your vocabulary improves. You learn new ideas. You are entertained by the story or information. And you become smarter. 

a. Reading is a very important skill.

b. Reading is irrelevant. 

c. Reading is something a baby can do. 

a. Reading is a very important skill.


Is this a descriptive adjective example or a non-descriptive adjective example: Max went to the cheap, efficient, and popular barber downtown for his haircut. 

Descriptive adjective (cheap, efficient, and popular). 


What are three ways you can preview a text?

You can look at the thesis and other topic sentences. You can look at the title. You can notice enlarged words or words in bold. And you can look at the conclusion. 


Is context the same as surrounding text?

Yes, it is. 


What does "identical" mean? Please give an example. 

This means things that look alike. For example, the twins are identical. 


Which of the following is an inference you could make:

Mike was always a good worker. One day though, he became very ill. He has not been back at work for months, and he is running out of funds.

a. If Mike stays ill, he'll get a raise.

b. If Mike stays ill, he won't be able to pay his bills.

c. If Mike stays ill, he will become the president. 

b. If Mike stays ill, he won't be able to pay his bills.


How many adjectives can you have before a noun. 

Anywhere from 1 to 3. 


Which of the following is a way to preview a text:

- Read the details of the body paragraphs 

- Read the text backwards

- Read the topic sentence in different paragraphs

- Read the topic sentence in different paragraphs


Why is context important? Give an example. 

Because it helps you understand the full meaning. For example, something can mean two different things depending on the context. 


What does "be willing to" mean? Give an example. 

This means that you agree to something happen. For example, "Josh is willing to go home early."


Which of the following is an inference you could make:

According to Thomas, the light is not working anymore because it needs a new bulb.

a. The light is barely used.

b. The light was always defective.

c. The light was left on too long while not being used.

c. The light was left on too long while not being used.


Is this a descriptive adjective example or a non-descriptive adjective example (please point it out): I really enjoy eating a hot, flavorful, and fully-cooked meal. 

Descriptive (hot, flavorful, and fully-cooked). 


Please preview the following paragraph, pointing out 2 things you notice: Obviously, school is very important. You learn not only academic skills, but also life skills. In addition, school gives you something to do with your time. Finally, even if you don't like it, it is required. 

Answers vary. 


What happens if you ignore context?

You may misunderstand something. 


What does "influence" mean? Please give an example.

This means to have an impact on another person. For example, "My teacher had a really good influence on my learning."
