A long period of time without any water.
What is a cordillera?
A system of mountain ranges.
How did diseases from Europe impact the Native Americans?
Could not fight off diseases and a large population of Native Americans were killed off.
What were the first ten amendments called?
Bill of Rights.
What is a Civil War?
A war between opposing groups of citizens in the same country.
How did the Great Lakes impact the development of North America?
Combined to make the largest body of fresh water in the world.
A region of North America that is characterized by dry conditions is...?
The Great Basin.
What were the primary economic activities of early European settlers in North America?
Farming and trading.
The belief that the United States should expand westward to the Pacific Ocean was...?
Manifest Destiny.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Freed all slaves.
Why were rivers important for the growth of cities in North America?
Provide fresh drinking water, transportation, and trade.
What was the first permanent European settlement in North America?
Jamestown, Virginia.
Which group of French settlers had strong relationships with the Native American tribes?
Voyagers and Missionaries.
What technological advancement significantly contributed to Industrialization?
What is a pioneer?
Settlers of new land.
What led to the Dust Bowl?
Combination of severe drought and soil erosion in the Great Plains.
Where did the French establish their colonial empire in North America?
The Gulf of St. Lawerence.
What document was created after the American Revolution? Who wrote it?
The Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
What was the goal of the Reconstructed period?
To rebuild and reunite the states as one nation.
Where and when did the British troops surrender? What was the outcome that resolved the issues between the British and the United States?
Yorktown, Virginia in 1781. Treat of Paris.
What Geographic features contributed to successful agriculture in the Great Plains?
Rich soil and temperate/mild climate.
What was the Trail of Tears?
Cherokee tribes were forced to leave their land and endure a 116-day journey west.
What were some major conflicts between the British colonists and the British government?
Taxes and the Boston Tea Party.
Primary cause of the American Civil War was...?
To abolish slavery, but the Southern states wanted slavery.
Why was the U.S. Constitution created?
Articles of Confederation did not make the new country as united as it needed to be.