Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Describe Communicative Language Teaching

  • Focus on how language was actually used as opposed to how it was formed

  • Communicative functions – what could people do with the language

  • Apologize

  • Agree

  • Bus driver

  • Janitor

  • Receptionist

  • Chef 

  • Police officer


What does the Critical Period Hypothesis state? 

The critical period hypothesis states that there is a 'critical period' for language learning, which ends sometime around puberty. 


What is Differentiation? 

It is where teachers adapt their approach for different students so that the entire class have the chance to perform to the best of their ability. 

What are some disadvantages of whole-class teaching? 
  • Can feel forced

  • No individualized practice

  • Risk of public failure

  • Does not encourage responsibility 

  • Not the most communicative


Explain what Flipped Classroom means

Students do the 'learning' at home and class time is devoted to practicing. 


Describe Audiolingualism

  • Stimulus – response – reinforcement method 

  • Attempted to build good habits through positive reinforcement 

  • Lacked real – life context 

  • Oral – Situational Approach – British variant 


Describe young learners up tp 5 years old. 

  1. are enthusiastic about learning (if it happens in the right way).

  2. learn best through play and other enjoyable activities.

  3. use everything in the physical world (what they see, do, hear and touch, etc.) for learning and understanding things. 

  4. use language skills without analyzing (or being able to analyze) why or how they use them.

  5. like to do well and enjoy being praised.

  6. have lively imaginations.

  7. cannot, sometimes, tell the difference between fact and fiction.

  8. have a short attention span: they can’t concentrate on the same thing for a long time.

  9. will talk (and participate) a lot if they are engaged. 

  10. often do not understand the adult world, but they don’t say ‘I don’t understand’. They just ‘go along’ with it.

  11. are very good at imitating people – so they pick up the teacher’s intonation, etc. 

  12. Cannot decide what to learn by themselves (or how to do it).

  13. are self-centered and like playing by themselves.

  14. are comfortable with the idea that there are rules and routines for things.


Chapter 7 mentions several key elements to successfully teach large groups. Name 3 of these elements. 

Be organized

Establish and use routines

Use the students

Use pair and groupwork

Use the room

Use the size of the class to your advantage 


Name 2 common seating arrangements. 

Orderly rows



separate tables/pods


What does TEA stand for?

Training, Equipment, Access


Describe the Direct Method

  • Reaction to the Grammar – Translation Method

  • More communication between teacher and students

  • Conversation style

  • Language learning happens inductively

  • Discovering the rules from exposure to the language


What are some positive characteristics of teenagers? 

  • Huge reserves of (temporary) energy

  • Very passionate

  • Extremely humorous 

  • Classes can be full of laughter 

  • Very creative thinking 

  • May be the most enjoyable group to work with


What does SEN stand for?

Special Educational Needs


What are some advantages of pair work? 

  • Develop autonomy

  • Restores peace

  • Less stressful

  • Individualized feedback


What does TITO stand for?

Time in, Time out


Describe the primary features of the Grammar-translation Method

  • Translate from the target language (L2) into the first language (L1) and vice versa

  • Sentence level only

  • Little to no consideration of spoken language 

  • Accuracy was considered a necessity 


What are some challenges that adult learners bring into the classroom?

  • They can be critical of teaching methods. Their previous learning experiences may have predisposed them to one particular methodological style, which makes them uncomfortable with unfamiliar teaching patterns. Conversely, they may be hostile to certain teaching and learning activities which replicate the teaching they received earlier in their educational careers.

  • They may have experienced failure or criticism at school, which makes them anxious and under-confident about learning a language.

  • Many older adults worry that their intellectual powers may be diminishing with age. They are concerned to keep their creative powers alive (Williams and Burden 1997: 32). 

  • Adults are more likely to miss lessons than younger learners for a variety of reasons.

  • Even when adults are successful at learning grammar and vocabulary – and dealing with language skills – they ‘may still experience significant difficulty mastering pronunciation and oral fluency’ (Sampson 2010


This picture makes reference to an issue from chapter 7, what is that issue?

Mixed ability classes


What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of group work?

  • Advantages

  • Increases communication

  • Independent work

  • Individualized attention

  • Cooperation

  • Relaxed and friendly

  • Quick and easy to organize

  • Disadvantages

  • Can be noisy

  • Discussions can get off topic

  • Not always popular

  • Linguistic limitations

  • Partnering can be difficult


What is the difference between a Digital Native and a Digital Immigrant?

  • Digital Native – someone who grew up in a digital age

  • Digital Immigrant – someone who had to learn how to use technology

Describe the differences between Approach, Method, Technique, and procedure. 


refer to theories about the nature of language and language learning. 

describes how language is used and how its constituent parts interlock – it offers a model of language competence.

describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning. 


 it is the practical classroom realization of an approach.


 it is an ordered sequence of techniques.

It is a sequence which can be described in terms such as First you do this, then you do that ...


 it is a single activity rather than a sequence


Describe the 4 types of motivation presented in chapter 5. 

  • Extrinsic motivation-Comes from outside the learners themselves. Need or desire to pass and exam, need to learn a language for an upcoming trip

  • Intrinsic motivation-Comes from within.Passion for learning. Driven by a desire to succeed

  • Instrumental motivation-Learning because it will have an instrumental benefit

  • Integrative motivation-We want to be part of the language speaking community


Teachers can do several things to differentiate. Name 3 things. 

  • Give different students different tasks

  • Give the students different roles/levels of support

  • Challenge early finishers

  • Encourage different student responses

  • Identify student strengths – linguistic or non-linguistic


Generally, a small group of how many students is ideal? 

5 students. 


How can a corpus help teachers and students? 

Answers may vary. 
