Commander of the Continental Army
Who is George Washington?
Advisors to the President are called...
What is a Cabinet?
French diplomats asking for a bribe from US diplomats
What is the XYZ Affair?
Document signed August 2nd 1776...
What is the year the Declaration of Independence was signed?
The first Europeans to 'discover' America were...
Who were Vikings?
Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the founding of the United States are...
What is writing the Declaration of Independence, doubled the size of the nation, founded the Democratic-Republican party?
Major themes of George Washington's Farewell Address...
What is Political Parties, Unity, Alliances?
The result of the XYZ Affair is...
What is the Quasi-War?
Document that spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government
What is the Bill of Rights?
Manifest Destiny is...
The belief that it was America's destiny to control and civilize all of North America
The XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition acts, and the Quasi-war all happened during the presidency of...
Who is John Adams?
Name of the rebellion over taxes on distilled spirits which led to Washington having to deploy a militia to suppress it by force.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
Amendment violated by the Alien and Sedition Act
What is the First Amendment?
First governing document of the United States is...
What are the Articles of Confederation?
The reason the Colonies were profitable for the British is...
What are raw natural resources and cash crops?
Who signed all 3 major documents of the early United States
Who is Benjamin Franklin
A precedent set by President George Washington is...
What is the 2 term limit, a cabinet, and an inaugural address?
An impact of the Marshall Court is...
What is the growth of the power of the Federal government?
Gave too much power to individual states and not enough to the central government
What are the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
The religion MOST Native American tribes believed in?
What is Animism?
The role Alexander Hamilton had as a Founding Father...
What is fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury?
Advice given by George Washington in his Farewell Address...
What is US should remaining neutral, avoiding permanent alliances, and having no political parties?
Court case that established Judicial Review is...
What is Marbury v. Madison
What document inspired the Declaration of Independence
What is The Virginia Declaration of Rights
States gained from the Mexican American War are...
What are Utah, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona?