This is the short-term state of the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, and visibility?
What is Weather
When a cold air mass wedges under a warm air mass causing the warm air to rise?
What is a Cold Front?
How many types of air pressures are there?
What is 2 (High and Low)?
This is the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time?
What is Climate?
What weather would cold fronts bring?
What is Stormy weather and precipitation?
This is the boundary between air masses of different densities and usually different temperatures.
What is a Front?
When a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass.
What is a Warm Front?
Does altitude affect air pressure and explain?
What is Yes, Air pressure decreases as Altitude increases?
This is a large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture content are similar
What is Air mass?
What weather do stationary fronts bring?
What is often cloudy days with high chance of precipitation?
This is the force of air pushing on an object.
What is Air Pressure?
When a cold air mass and a warm air mass meet and neither can push the other out.
What is a Stationary Front?
This weather tool measures air pressure.
What is a Barometer?
this is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air
What is Humidity?
What weather would warm fronts bring?
What is dry, sunny skies?
This is the percentage of water vapor in air relative to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same temperature.
What is Relative Humidity?
Name 4 bodies of Air Mass.
What are Maritime Polar, Maritime Tropical and Continental Polar and Continental Tropical?
This is a line that follows along points of equal air pressure.
What is an Isobar?
This is a prediction about the state of the atmosphere for a given location and time.
What is a Weather Forecast?
When mountains block rain from reaching one side.
What is the Rain Shadow Effect
These are tools that help scientists answer difficult questions.
What are Models?
This fronts usually form around areas of low atmospheric pressure.
What is Occluded Front?
This tool measures wind speed?
What is an Anemometer?
This is the distance north or south of the Equator.
What are Latitude?
What weather would Occluded Fronts bring?
What is clouds and rain, with changes in wind direction and after the front passes, the sky is usually clearer, and the air is drier.