What was important about Bactra?
It had an important market and many merchants went to the market.
Why didn't the thieves steal the rugs and salt?
They weren't as valuable as the lazuli stones
What year does this take place in and what two groups are mentioned?
1525; Spanish and Mayans
How does K'an respond to everything that is shown to him in the city?
He says that everything in Chakal is better than his city (Espana)
What does Balam want to be instead of a warrior?
An artist
How old is Yaskul?
12 years old
Why is it important to have a successful trade at the market?
Trading is how they make their money; if they aren't successful then they won't make money
Who was the person that the chief trader brought?
Enslaved boy
What does K'an confess to Prince Jaguar Moon about his people?
His people want gold and will fight the city for it
What happens if Balam and his family don't plant the maize seeds?
They will die from starvation
Why is Yaskul really excited?
He is trading for the first time at the market.
Zhang; He asks in front of the merchant if Yaskul has any of the beautiful lazuli stones
What is strange about the enslaved boy?
His strange clothes and yellow hair
What happens to K'an after he betrays the city of Chakal?
He's taken away and banned from coming back
Where did Balam's father take him before Tulum? Was he successful?
Fishing; he caught a few fish
What does Grandfather give Yaskul and why?
Lazuli stones so he can learn how to trade
What point of view is this story told in? How do you know?
First person; uses the pronouns I and me
What are the nobles playing in the city?
Pok-a Tok
What happens to Prince Jaguar Moon's father? Why?
He dies from being sick and being upset about K'an
What did Balam decide he was going to be at the end of the story?
A toolmaker
What did the thieves steal from the storage room?
All of the lazuli stones
What does Yaskul make with the lazuli beads? Why do you think he does this?
Necklace; to advertise the beads for trading
What are four things that Jaguar Moon shows K'an in the city?
Pyramids, Eastern Temple, markets, corn fields
What does King Jaguar Moon think about K'an's knife and what does he tell the priests to do with it?
He thinks it's cursed and tells the priests to throw it in the volcano
Small cup, chip of green rock, piece of paper with writing on it