100: What does "levantarse" mean?
to get up
100: What does "apagar la luz" mean?
to turn off the light
200: What does "afeitarse" mean?
to shave oneself
200: What does "encender la luz" mean?
to turn on the light
300: What does "cepillarse (los dientes)" mean, and is it reflexive or not?
To brush one's teeth; reflexive
300: What daily activity involves "ducharse"?
taking a shower'
400: Conjugate "dormirse" in the present tense for él/ella/usted.
se duerme
400: Conjugate "prepararse" in the present tense for yo.
me preparo
500: What is the imperfect phrase of "despertarse" (yo)?
me despiertaba
500: Explain when you would use "ponerse" versus "pintarse".
Ponerse - Yo puse mi ropas.
Pintarse - Yo pinté mis uñás.