What institution decides the roles of President & Vice-President?
The Electoral College
At what age can you vote?
Campaign Costs have _________ over the past few decades
Newspaper, TV, Radio are all examples of ???
What is the name for something you add to the U.S Constitution?
An Amendment
What is a DUTY?
Something you MUST do
What number is needed to win the Electoral College?
270 Votes
Where is a place you can register to vote?
Online, DMV, library, etc.
Pushing for Law Makers to pass laws you support is called ???
False or Misleading Information (such as ads) meant to influence voters is called ???
What branch has the power to VETO laws?
Executive Branch
How many years do you have to live in the U.S before becoming a citizen?
5 Years
States that can go either Democrat or Republican are known as ???
Swing or Battleground States
The biggest reason voters do not show up to vote is ???
Voter Apathy
What type of person is better able to run for political office because of how expensive running for government has become?
Wealthy/Rich Americans
Using negative words or phrases is what type of Propaganda technique?
What is one requirement to become President?
Born in U.S. Live in U.S for 14 years. At least 35
A state's electoral votes are determined ______ + __________
2 Senators + # of Members in the House of Representatives
How many days before an election must you register to vote?
What does PAC stand for?
Political Action Committee
Who can write an Op-Ed?
Anyone, but normally experts
Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, Assembly (Protest)
What are the 3 types of local government?
Town, City, or County
Most states have a winner take all system, meaning that the candidate who wins the _______ vote in a state gets all the electoral votes
What is the name for ALL the people who are able to vote?
The Electorate
What Supreme Court Case established that SuperPACs could not be restricted in the amount of $$$ they can donate
Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission
What is a way you can determine if an ad or poster is Propaganda?
Answers Vary
Who is considered the "bank" of the U.S government?
The Federal Reserve
What is the name for a local law
How much money can a PAC donate?