Context Clues
Words Choice/Voice
Author's Purpose
Text Structure

Why might this passage be titled A Difficult Journey?

The journey the pilgrims went on from England to American in search of religious freedom was difficult.


What does the word destination mean in paragraph 3?

The place to which someone is traveling.


Smoking is a terrible and unhealthy habit that is very difficult to quit once addicted. It can cause many health issues, including cancer, and can also cause you to lose friends who don't want to be around such a health risk.

What are the author's feelings toward the topic of this paragraph?

The author doesn't like smoking and doesn't want their readers to smoke.


Why did the author most like write A Difficult Journey?

To give readers information about the pilgrims' voyage to America.


Which structure is used in the following paragraph?

Summer is a wonderful season because we get time off from school and they weather is warm enough for swimming. However, winter is also great because we get to celebrate the holiday season and the cool weather is a nice break from the summer heat. Both of these seasons have enjoyable qualities.

Compare and contrast

Why did the pilgrims probably name their landing spot Plymouth?

a. It was the last name of the Mayflower captain.

b. It was in honor of the passenger who died on the ship.

c. It was named after the town they left in England.

d. It was already named that the Native Americans.

c. It was named after the town they left in England.


What does the word voyage mean in paragraph 4?

Trip, adventure.


Smoking is a terrible and unhealthy habit that is very difficult to quit once addicted. It can cause many health issues, including cancer, and can also cause you to lose friends who don't want to be around such a health risk.

Which words added to the author's voice in this paragraph?

Terrible, unhealthy, difficult, addicted, health issues, cancer, lose friends, health risk. 

Why did the author include the illustration of a clipper ship at the beginning of this article?

To show readers what the Mayflower probably looked like.


What is the main structure of the following paragraph?

If you decide to vote, there are a few things you must do. First, you have to turn 18. Once you are of age, you must register to vote. After you have registered, you can find your local voting location and cast your ballot. It's also important to research the candidates before voting so that you choose people that represent policies you believe in.


Why might passengers on the Mayflower have gotten sicken and died?

a. They didn't have access to fresh food or water for several weeks.

b. They didn't have room for beds on the ship.

c. They brought many animals with them.

d. The waves made them feel seasick.

a. They didn't have access to fresh food or water for several weeks.


Which words were most helpful in determining the meaning of the word accurate in paragraph 3?

a. was not easy

b. clouds obscured the sun

c. gave a different time

d. calculate their position

a. was not easy


How does word choice impact author's voice?

a. It makes their writing sound better.

b. It shows their feelings about the topic.

c. It shows what audience they are writing to.

d. Both b and c are correct.

d. Both b and c are correct.


Why did the author include paragraphs 1-2 in this selection?

a. to explain how difficult the journey to America was

b. to encourage readers to take a journey on a ship

c. to explain the reasons the pilgrims left England

d. to inform readers of the definition of a pilgrim

c. to explain the reasons the pilgrims left England


What structure is used to organize the following paragraph?

Pumpkins are a festive autumn decoration, but have you ever thought about what happens to pumpkins after autumn? Many people throw them away, but it is also common for people to compost the gourds. They let them decay in their yards to add nutrients to their garden soil. This often causes pumpkins plants to sprout the next year without planting them intentionally! It's a nice autumn surprise for many gardeners.

Cause and effect


What can the reader infer after reading paragraph 4?

a. Clocks were the most advanced technology available at the time.

b. The weather was difficult to predict during the voyage.

c. The weather was easy to deal with during the voyage.

d. The pilgrims were upset when they finally saw land.

b. The weather was difficult to predict during the voyage.


Which words helped you understand the meaning of jubilation in paragraph 4?

a. all the saw was endless sea

b. hoping for the sight of sky

c. Then at last, they saw land

d. on board the Mayflower

c. Then at last, they saw land

Which sentence helps the reader understand that they pilgrims were relieved and excited for their voyage to end?

a. Many despaired of ever reaching America.

b. That day there was great jubilation on board the Mayflower.

c. One person died and was buried at sea.

d. Day after day, the pilgrims stared at the horizon.

b. That day there was great jubilation on board the Mayflower.


Why did the author include the last paragraph in this passage?

a. to explain why the Pilgrims named their landing spot Plymouth

b. to explain how the ship got so off course

c. to explain how tough the conditions on the ship were

d. to explain why the Pilgrims left England

a. to explain why the Pilgrims named their landing spot Plymouth


What is the main structure of paragraph 1?

Problem and solution


What can you infer from this sentence?

They had little time because the bitterly cold winter weather was almost upon them.

Settling into an area would allow the pilgrims to create shelter that would protect them from the harsh winter weather.


In England in the early seventeenth century, people were not free to worship as they pleased.

Which meaning of the word free is being used in this sentences from paragraph 1?

a. without cost

b. no under the control of another

c. release from captivity

d. not in use or occupied

b. no under the control of another


How does word choice in paragraph 4 impact the author's voice?

a. It emphasizes the length of the pilgrims' journey.

b. It emphasizes the size of the Mayflower.

c. It emphasizes how difficult the journey was.

d. It emphasized the number of people on the ship.

c. It emphasizes how difficult the journey was.


What is the main purpose of paragraph 3 in this selection?

To explain how the Pilgrims navigated the ship on their difficult voyage.


What two structures are mainly used to organized A Difficult Journey?

Description and chronological