micro vs. macro
what is the whole evolutionary process and what are the changes in alleles?
Darwin's finches habitat
where is the Galapagos islands?
The origin of a phylogenetic tree
what is the root?
chimps and bonobos
what are the closest primate relatives?
sexual selection
what is when an animal chooses a mate based on traits they possess?
time line of all the bones that give clues to evolution
what is the fossil record?
clued Darwin that adaptive radiation was occurring on the Galapagos islands
what are beak sizes?
the divergence of a species
what is a node?
what is walking on two legs?
natural vs artificial selection
what is survival of the fittest and done by picking a choosing traits?
adaptive radiation
what is when species rapidly change into new species?
when all individuals in a population look slightly different
what is variability?
animal that diverged first
what is the fish?
incomplete fossil record
what is fossils are incomplete or haven't been found yet?
3 types of adaptations
what are physical, behavioral, and physiological?
what is the belief that all giant animals got wiped out due to periodic catastrophes?
when more babies are born then can survives in a ecosystem
what is super fecundity?
phylogenetic trees show
what is the evolutionary process timeline?
she proved that ancestors have been walking on two legs before they had initially thought
who is Lucy?
parts of the body in many different animals that have the same structure but different functions
what are homologous structures?
Jean Baptiste's contribution to evolution
what is adaptive radiation?
What Darwin came up with after observing how animals change
what is the theory of evolution?
closest relative to reptiles
what are the birds?
4 things that changed in human ancestors
what are locomotion, cranial cavity increased, teeth, and tools?
what are the 4 factors that influence natural selection?