Supporters of international cooperation believe that this (Security, Prosperity, and Sovereignty) can be achieved by focusing on common interests.
National Interest
The name of the largest security treaty.
This IGO has also provided a forum for the negotiation of important agreements, including the Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response.
Arctic Council
The mission statement of this NGO is born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
The Red Cross
"Many nations that were once recipients are not donors." is a perspective that supports what international action?
Foreign Aid
This refers to treaties or trade that occur between two nations.
To date, this is the only United Nations treaty that every country in the world has ratified.
Montreal Protocol
This IGO is often criticized for the imbalance of national power in the organ responsible for peace.
The United Nations
This NGO was organized to observe violations of workplace rights and to promote safe work around the world.
the International Labour Organization
A nation that wants to protect its culture and its sovereignty may pursue this type of foreign policy.
This refers to the arms-length organ of the UN that directs and coordinates the world’s response to health emergencies.
What protocol established international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war?
The Geneva Convention
This organization promotes the French culture and language around the world.
La Francophonie
A reason why NGOs are often more effective than IGOs is
NGOs are not governed by nations and can operate more independently
This was said about the failure of what Canadian-made security solution? “Troops were withdrawn when they were most needed,” said former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon in 2014. “We should have done much more.”
The phrase that represents the idea that selling goods is more effective than charity.
Trade not aid
This treaty, adopted in 1998 and amended to include the Crime of Agression in 2010, led to the creation of the ICC.
The Rome Statute
President Harry Truman addressed what organization with this quote?
"Without peace, it is impossible to make lasting progress toward a better life for all. Without progress in human welfare, the foundations of peace will be insecure. That is why we can never afford to neglect one of these purposes at the expense of the other."
The United Nations
NGOs are sometimes criticized because underdeveloped nations may become
reliant on aid
Nations interested in multilateral diplomacy aimed at economic development would likely support what forum?
In response to the war in Ukraine and other humanitarian crises, what rose globally in 2023 to a new all-time high of USD $223.7 billion, up from USD $211 billion in 2022?
Foreign Aid
This replaced the Kyoto Accord in 2015 and requires nations to meet yearly at what is known as COP to assess the effects of the measures taken by Parties and the progress made in achieving the ultimate objectives.
This IGO promotes free trade and free movement between its member states and has a supranational governing system.
the European Union
This NGO aims to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied.
Amnesty International
This man's perspective on the conflict over the Suez Canal led to the creation of peacekeeping.
Lester B Pearson
A type of internationalism where nations must give up some power or sovereignty.
This convention protects people from discrimination and promotes gender equality.
International Convention on Human Rights
This IGO promotes and defend African common positions on issues of interest to the continent and its peoples
The African Union
This organization aims to protect endangered species and promotes awareness of the risks faced by animals.
When a nation decides to not sign a treaty or convention, it's actions are considered