Warren Harding's Campaign promise Return to Normalcy appealed to voters because
Voters wanted to return to the economic practices of the Gilded Age and focus on the American economy.
Which of the following was a sign that the U.S. economy was unsound in the late 1920s?
What is The overuse of credit and buying with installment plans?
Which of the following was most directly responsible for recovery by creating jobs by putting people back to work?
What is Works Progress Administration?
Nativism is
the idea that only native born Americans are acceptable, and included immigration quotas, the growth of the KKK, and an increase of Xenophobia
What was the reaction when the stock market dropped sharply on October 29, 1929?
What is Investors raced to get their money out of the market and banks?
The goal of the New Deal was to provide what:
What is relief, reform and recovery?
The effects of the 18th amendment were:
speakeasies, moonshine or homeade alcohol, rise of organized crime, increase in government corruption
After the stock market crash, thousands of American banks closed because they:
What is Could not return depositors’ money?
Roosevelt's response to legal challenges of the New Deal was..
court packing
The quotation, “There were 60,000 communists at large --- enough, if unchecked, to bring the republic down,” expresses fears that led to which of the following?
What is the Red Scare?
During the Great Depression, expressions such as Hoovervilles and Hoover Blankets showed that President Hoover:
What is Was blamed for the suffering of the poor?
Examples of Keynesian economics in the new deal are:
What is Government funds building roads and bridges to create jobs and improve infrastructure?
The “Harlem Renaissance” refers to:
What is The revival of African American pride and culture in the 1920s?
The Presidential Election of 1932 indicated that:
What is American voters were frustrated with Republican economic policies?
3 new deal programs still around today.
what are the FDIC, Social Security Administration, and TVA