Whats a fief?
It is land divided that food is produced.
What was a crusade?
Holy wars between Catholics and Muslims.
What is courtly love?
When was the Norman conquest?
Whats the difference between a serf and a peasent?
A serf is a lower class peasent that is tied to the land.
A peasent is not tied to land and works for any money possible.
When was the first crusade?
What were the 3 main morals of chivilary?
Honor, Bravery, Loalty
What came first Feudilism or Manorilism?
Whats the difference between feudilism and manorialism?
Feudilism is between a knight and the lord, like a contract
Manorilism is between a serf and a lord, where the serf is tied to the land.
Name the 4 Crusader states.
Why was courtly love only a fiction type of love?
It was usally with a woman of status and the woman would not be able to be seen with the lower class man.
Who ended up as king of England?
William the Conquerer.
What was decentralization in context of the early middle ages?
The people split apart into smaller towns /groups as opposed to being city orriented.
Who were the knights templar?
Knights that were formed during crusades.
Specialized monk warriors
How did Gawain and the Green knight tie to chivilary and courtly love?
multiple answers
ex:Gawain trying to not lay in the ladys bed
Who was Edward the confessor?
The king of England who was deeply religous
His death was a cause for the start of the norman conquest
In descending order, how is the feudilism pyramid organized?
2: Church/Royalty
Whats the origin of the Crusades?
Emporer Alexius saw that the muslims were invading his empire so he asked Pope Urban the 2nd for help to get them out of his empire.
Give examples of Gawain showing Chivilary.
Just off the top of your head, not page numbers.
any answer acceptable
ex:Gawain fighting in place of King Arthur
What was the significants of the battle of hastings?
It determined who would be the next king of England.