Why is she learning Spanish?
- She .......... travel to Spain.
She is going to travel to Spain.
In August
Andrew — go to the dentist — on Thursday
Andrew is going to the dentist on Thursday.
ébren maradni (nem aludni)
stay up
We are thirsty.
- Wait here. I ......... get some water.
Wait here. I will get some water.
6 órakor
at 6 o'clock
My brother — get married — next March
My brother is getting married next March.
visszahívni valakit (telefonon)
call back
egy vekni kenyér
a loaf of bread
Why are you switching on the TV?
- I ......... watch a football match.
I'm going to watch a football match.
in Brazil
Emma — fly to Italy — on Monday
Emma is flying to Italy on Monday.
lemondani valamit
call off
Have you got any plans for tomorrow?
- Yes, I ........ visit my grandparents.
Have you got any plans for tomorrow?
- Yes, I am going to visit my grandparents.
a polcon
on the shelf
Our neighbors — have a barbecue — at the weekend
Our neighbors are having a barbecue at the weekend.
otthon maradni
stay in
felseperni a padlót
sweeping the floor
Meat or fish?
- I ....... have some fish, please.
Meat or fish?
- I'll have some fish, please.
az utca végén
at the end of the street
My class — visit a museum — next week.
My class is visiting a museum next week.
felnézni valakire, tisztelni valakit
look up to someone